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Giulio Bevilacqua


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Hi , i'm experiencing strong head preassures . I'ts like a bubble that is expanding inside the center of my brain and sometimes between the end of the spine and the brain . It is not hurting , but sometimes it gets very uncomfortable . Have you experienced something like this ? Has it to do with chakras ? 

Thank you very much 

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I suggest seeking guidance from a qualified Kundalini master. They deal with this sort of stuff all the time. Sadly, it's quite hard to give instructions about dealing with these pressures over the internet. 

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@Giulio Bevilacqua I started having this about 2 years ago. I thought it was my imagination but it grew in intensity. It is more intense the more I abide in the present moment. At this point, I can make it so intense that I feel intense energy swirling in my head and seems to emanate from from my lower forehead.

I did some research lately and found quite a few people describing the symptoms I was having as signs of a third eye opening.

Edited by Matt8800

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