
Is enlightenment the end of lifetimes?

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This question bugs me.

I know you'll say immortal, unenlightened and death are dualities. but what I mean is "is enlightenment only for this lifetime or end of lifetimes?"


Edited by Pouya

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@Pouya The "I-thought" raising and being identified with as the focal point of experience and it's subsequent falling away is the cycle of birth and rebirth that ends. The body, which you currently believe to be cause or center of experience is the one that is borne and dies. The Self remains ever unchanging, as evident in dreamless sleep, for example. 

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I better get on the mushrooms and meditate harder. I never want to be born again. 

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Me me me me. Ok one tip try to localize in your awareness where thoughts arise notice that empty space. Inquire into it. Not think about it Just observe it. 

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@Shaun 5meo is Non duality.Mushrooms will only give beautiful experiences that's what I heard.Any how good luck.

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@Pouya are you kind of asking the question that when you enter a non dual state - lets say in this case  by your physical death, which is actually a physical death within a conceptual death because the physicality is happening within a Mind...are you wondering how long You as God/Being would remain in this state before you respawn as something finite?

If that's the question that bothered me too until i realized that its happening outside of time and space.  Its infinity so its all happening all at once, it already happened, and it never happened.

How's that for a Mind fuck? 

So to God this question has no meaning.  To the small you whether you are a tree or a person you'll just be there.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Pouya Nothing can end that never started. There will be rebirth into immortality, there will be rebirth to the nature of god. God was there all the time anyways. 

Dont worry, youre gonna delude yourself again in the future. An infinite amount of times

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Pouya  Pouya doesn't exist, so pouya can't be reborn.  Being reborn would imply that pouya is in a new body and remembers being pouya plus this new body. Bodies will continue being born without pouya, just like the body which was born which is mistaken as pouya. Bodies will continue being born and continue being mistaken as a person. In the end though, its all a dream and not really happening. However, the unmanifested will continue to be manifested in infinite ways. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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I don't claim to know what is beyond or after death but I'm conscious that Death is Perfect and ought to happen. I literally have no fear or worry of death. Surrender and let go completely into what IS. Your loved ones will cry in ignorance, "you" will be where you are destined and ought to be. 

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10 hours ago, Shaun said:

I better get on the mushrooms and meditate harder. I never want to be born again. 


You mean that you want to be eternal ?

The you that you think you are right now will never be.

If you are really serious about that, then you will have to let go of the you that wants anything and everything.


Problem is, do you really want to know what is True, to the cost of yourself ?


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Do you really want me to be in you Shin? 


Do you have a big thick cock ?


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Maybe but for sure doggo Will have different facial expression. ❤️

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5 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Maybe but for sure doggo Will have different facial expression. ❤️

Surely ???

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Pouya  Pouya doesn't exist, so pouya can't be reborn.  Being reborn would imply that pouya is in a new body and remembers being pouya plus this new body. Bodies will continue being born without pouya, just like the body which was born which is mistaken as pouya. Bodies will continue being born and continue being mistaken as a person. In the end though, its all a dream and not really happening. However, the unmanifested will continue to be manifested in infinite ways. 

What is meant with "it's not happening"? 


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22 minutes ago, GabeN said:

What is meant with "it's not happening"? 


Have you ever had a dream where lots of awesome things happened and some awful things too? Only to wake up and realize that every experience of that dream was a creation of consciousness/imagination?  Relatively, inside the dream, those things did happen. It felt very real and the dream self, aka "you" was very convinced that it was real. Then you wake up and are like, "wow.... that magical unicorn I was riding was not made of physical matter, but completely of dream fluff. I never left my bed!"  Well what you may not realize is that you think you have woken up, but you are still very much dreaming. This dream is called "real life".  It is very convincing because it appears to have a continuity from the previous day. You get out of bed and go to work, and your boss yells at you. It feels very real, and relatively, to you, the dream self of "real life",  it is happening. 

This happens when you are convinced that there is a such thing as "you" or "others".  When the "you" and "others" falls away, it may turn out that what is happening is a complete fabrication of consciousness/imagination.  There is no difference in actual experience between what we call dreams, and what we call real life. Conditions appear to be different, like gravity, physics, and continuity, but the actual experience is one and the same. If we say that what happened in a "dream" isn't real, than how can we say with certainty that what happens in "real life" is real?  

But real is relative. Depends on "who" you ask. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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9 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Have you ever had a dream where lots of awesome things happened and some awful things too? Only to wake up and realize that every experience of that dream was a creation of consciousness/imagination?  Relatively, inside the dream, those things did happen. It felt very real and the dream self, aka "you" was very convinced that it was real. Then you wake up and are like, "wow.... that magical unicorn I was riding was not made of physical matter, but completely of dream fluff. I never left my bed!"  Well what you may not realize is that you think you have woken up, but you are still very much dreaming. This dream is called "real life".  It is very convincing because it appears to have a continuity from the previous day. You get out of bed and go to work, and your boss yells at you. It feels very real, and relatively, to you, the dream self of "real life",  it is happening. 

This happens when you are convinced that there is a such thing as "you" or "others".  When the "you" and "others" falls away, it may turn out that what is happening is a complete fabrication of consciousness/imagination.  There is no difference in actual experience between what we call dreams, and what we call real life. Conditions appear to be different, like gravity, physics, and continuity, but the actual experience is one and the same. If we say that what happened in a "dream" isn't real, than how can we say with certainty that what happens in "real life" is real?  

But real is relative. Depends on "who" you ask. 

And this,

Is how you create a depression ???

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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