
Would You Like To See Leo On The Joe Rogan Podcast?

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7 minutes ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

Regarding his video on Toastmasters, I am sorry, but he did not do well. His body language is very stiff and rigid, and his voice is constricted. Not to mention that he's trying really hard to "look cool". I think I have tried to watch that video 2-3 times, and not only did I never finish it, but I also don't remember anything that he said there. 

that video is like 7 years old, i'm pretty sure much has changed since then. 

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8 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

that video is like 7 years old, i'm pretty sure much has changed since then. 

Yes, a lot has changed. Nowadays, he doesn't work out, takes psychedelics every week, probably very rarely go out to socialize, and doesn't even attend group retreats anymore but prefers to do solo ones. I am sure he has improved his social skills a lot ever since!!! ???

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19 minutes ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

I was just speculating. That being said, I am very familiar with social awkwardness, so it's pretty easy for me to spot it in other people. I can make inaccurate assessments, of course. 

Regarding his video on Toastmasters, I am sorry, but he did not do well. His body language is very stiff and rigid, and his voice is constricted. Not to mention that he's trying really hard to "look cool". I think I have tried to watch that video 2-3 times, and not only did I never finish it, but I also don't remember anything that he said there. 

I think his chances of going to Joe Rogan's podcast is close to 0%. What I would actually like to see him doing is making that USA tour happen. It's very easy for him to think he is developed while he's on his living room floor high on LSD, but actually stepping out of his comfort zone and meeting with his followers face-to-face would be a real sign of growth. 

Okay maybe it wasn't stellar but that doesn't matter. Elon Musk isn't some social wizard and he did good on Joe Rogan's podcast. Just because you don't like the nonduality tip Leo is on doesn't mean Leo doesn't have friends. Personally I am not into nonduality because I feel I am not ready for it and regular self-actualization is very challenging for me. He doesn't have to live to your expectations. You don't know his plans and shit he discussed about his tour.

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2 hours ago, SoothedByRain said:

@DrewNows Russel just had Bryon Katie on

Hmm cool yeah I saw they had some sort of connection 

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Lol this idea seems to surface to breathe atleast once a month

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2 hours ago, Dayo said:

Okay maybe it wasn't stellar but that doesn't matter. Elon Musk isn't some social wizard and he did good on Joe Rogan's podcast. Just because you don't like the nonduality tip Leo is on doesn't mean Leo doesn't have friends. Personally I am not into nonduality because I feel I am not ready for it and regular self-actualization is very challenging for me. He doesn't have to live to your expectations. You don't know his plans and shit he discussed about his tour.

Well, there's just a tiny little difference between what Elon Musk has achieved vs what Leo has achieved.

Indeed, Elon Musk isn't a social wizard. In fact, not only is he socially awkward, but maybe he's also autistic. That being said, he has a very rich life-story, is impacting the world on a global level, and he seems to be authentic. 

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So much gossip, speculation, and assumptions in this thread.

You guys gossip like teenage girls.

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17 hours ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

@NorthRise First of all, just because Leo has dedicated "his entire life to self-actualization" doesn't mean he's on the right path. He can be very well in a dead-end and delusional. Just the fact that he frequently demonizes the ego is a sign that he's not as advanced in the path as he thinks he is. 

He speaks as if he's an authority, but true master are orders of magnitude more humble than he is. For example, when he talks about the illusion of the self, he's very unnecessarily intrusive by pointing his finger to the viewer and saying, "YOU, exactly YOU, do not exist." 

Furthermore, he also gives very dangerous advice such as "spend two days not talking to anyone, but doing 4 hours of meditation."

The way he glorifies psychedelics is also irresponsible. I am not against psychedelics, but it works only for a limited number of people. The fact that he isn't able to pull off a solo retreat without psychedelics is a big red-flag to me. Well, to be fair, he didn't use psychedelics in his first one. But it was disastrous. Then, in the other two, he obviously used them and thought he was awakened af. 

He also doesn't value personal relationships enough, which is something that Abraham Maslow himself said was one of the needs in the pyramid. 

Regarding his social skills, you can tell very easily by watching him talk that he's a very tensed-up guy. Tension blocks the flow of a conversation. No wonder why he very rarely does interviews. And I highly doubt he's going to make that USA tour happen. The "Enlightenment Happening in Real Time" video shows how out of touch with reality he is. If he had good social skills, he wouldn't even consider doing that. It's really cringey. 

I am very aware about the topics Joe Rogan talks about. I'm just saying that Leo rambling about non-duality won't make the podcast interesting. 


Not that I wanna defend Leo but you are talking bunch of BS. You are very deluded and have such a narrow close minded perspective. But its okay

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So. . . I just got a call from Peter, the captain of the baseball team. Well it turns out his girlfriend’s mom was getting her hair done and looked outside and saw Leo’s dentist having ice cream with Joe Rogan’s barber. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, yet I think this could be a good sign. . . 

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16 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

So. . . I just got a call from Peter, the captain of the baseball team. Well it turns out his girlfriend’s mom was getting her hair done and looked outside and saw Leo’s dentist having ice cream with Joe Rogan’s barber. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, yet I think this could be a good sign. . . 

hahaha this almost drove me to tears <3 

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35 minutes ago, iGhost said:

Not that I wanna defend Leo but you are talking bunch of BS. You are very deluded and have such a narrow close minded perspective. But its okay

Can you specify what BS I wrote?

Why am I "deluded and have such a narrow close minded perspective"?

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@Gabriel Antonio Amazing how much energy you put in micro-analyzing other ppl's skills!!  All that effort to make a case that someone does or does not have interpersonal skills. Ughhhh, how about just taking a walk outside or having some chocolate ice cream? You will feel better.

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Even if Leo didnt have some alpha m social skills watching videos on how to dominate a conversation and instill fear into the heart of joe rogan, doesnt mean he couldnt go on and have an interesting talk about anything, id actually enjoy either of them talk about absolutely anything. 


Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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40 minutes ago, Merkabah said:

Amazing how much energy you put in micro-analyzing other ppl's skills!!  All that effort to make a case that someone does or does not have interpersonal skills.

It really didn't take that much effort... But thanks for your concern!


43 minutes ago, Merkabah said:

Ughhhh, how about just taking a walk outside or having some chocolate ice cream? You will feel better.

Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the unsolicited advice though...

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57 minutes ago, kindayellow said:

Even if Leo didnt have some alpha m social skills watching videos on how to dominate a conversation and instill fear into the heart of joe rogan, doesnt mean he couldnt go on and have an interesting talk about anything, id actually enjoy either of them talk about absolutely anything. 


hahaha everybody has a good time in conversation with the ROGAN 

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11 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

hahaha everybody has a good time in conversation with the ROGAN 

Rogan likes to stir the pot which is a kind of manipulation.  Stirring the pot is a waste of time mostly.  He needs to grow up on some level.  He's still kind of teenager in many ways.  Not trying to be rude either, just an observation.  He's a Stage Green guy who can grow a lot if he changed some things in his life and his priorities.  Making dumb people laugh for money is a weak schtick.  I think comedians fall into the trap of not taking life seriously enough.  It's like the opposite of the nerd who takes life too seriously.  You gotta find the right balance between humor (fun, games, joking around) and taking life seriously.  Too much joking around and you stay a kid.  You're the perpetual teenager.  Look at David Lee Roth as an example of this.  Balance!  if you stay 14 years old forever, there's something wrong with that.  That's a failure to mature in your life.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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no matter what, if he does come on the podcast, Leo will get brutally dragged into a conversation about how strong chimpanzee's are.

Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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@Joseph Maynoryou speak as if childlike playfulness is a quality in need of question. I don’t share this opinion as seriousness and stubbornness being a big part of my life was not so beneficial and ultimately the cause of much suffering. You come off as stage blue judgement. Rogan may not be so conscious or intelligent but I enjoy his people skills, chill attitude and realness. Nothing wrong with a little trusting manipulation to open people up. While there isn’t great potential for a rise in consciousness through his content it does a great job in expanding viewers perspectives 

Edited by DrewNows

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@DrewNows I'm just really in the masculine right now.  In the mornings I tend to be in the masculine and in the evenings I tend to go more into the feminine.  It doesn't always work like this, but I've noticed a rough trend.  This is gonna sound nuts to most people I expect.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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