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Should I Chase Illusion For A While?

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My meditation has been going quite well and has resulted in significant personal growth, but it has also opened my eye to some issues: I have a lot of unresolved issues with more basic self-actualization stages, primarily social development. I think I need to spend some time learning to go out and do "shallow" things and overcome my insecurities-- largely regarding being able to connect with other people emotionally before my ego is healthy enough to outgrow superficial pursuits like parties and small talk. Is this reasonable?

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This is a great question!

By developing and growing you become more aware, including the `unresolved` issues like your social development. The question rises if this is really necessary. I mean would you still consider it a problem with an increasing awareness?  I think one can give many opinions on this one.

To me an even much bigger issue would be that by raising the awareness one will face the problem of seeing immense opportunities that will one lead away from the developing and self-actualizing way. I guess many of us have faced one of these realities in life.

Edited by ElenaO

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@Henri Exactly my sentiment-- I realize that intellectually one with sufficient awareness would not be troubled by such things. However, I think it may be necessary to heal the ego with direct action in areas where it is very unhealthy before it can transcend. I recall Leo saying something similar in his videos, I think he's right on that point.

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Hahaha well, the option to not chase anything is there but at the moment you don't really have the option to not chase anything.



RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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this thought is coming from identity,  the identity is resisting change, its trying to provide a reason for not continuing to move forward in your personal growth and just enjoy some petty things in life. The identity isn't going to solve your issues, it will only create more.  In reality your consciousness isn't ready to move forward in personal growth, so if you feel you should take a break and do shallow things i would have to question that personal growth you talked about and what the meditation has actually accomplished for you. 

Why do you meditate?

Edited by ElenaO

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@usernameI realized few days ago that most of the socialization I do is a mere ego game. In fact, there is an ego war going out wherever you go, whomever you talk to, everyone is trying to defend and keep their ego's. In this ego mess, I never found peace. I have never met anyone with whom I can talk with all my heart and be emotionally transparent to. And the reason behind that was my own ego. Socialization beats and bruises the ego severely and that's why ego doesn't like it. I have never found a decent use of socialization to this day and I still hold that all the wisdom comes from within and very rarely people around you teaches you some noble things But now I think I may have finally found a use of going out with people and that is to dissolve the ego by practicing unconditional compassion and to be honest and truthful at every circumstance. Its way more harder than it sounds but it beats the shit out of the ego.:D

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@usernameI agree. About 2 weeks ago I had a shift in awareness, and I saw the Truth, but my ego was so strong that it pulled me back into the illusion, and I'm glad about that. I think I'm gonna live through the illusion for a while until I acquire the success I'm after, and then afterwards, I'll be ready to see how everything was just meaningless. But for now, I'll stick to self-actualizing the ego. 

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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@Electron You have never learned anything valuable from someone else? You have never had a flowing natural conversation with a close friend or group of friends?

I feel as though you have missed a lot my friend.

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On 4/24/2016 at 8:19 PM, Quizzer said:

@username I agree. About 2 weeks ago I had a shift in awareness, and I saw the Truth, but my ego was so strong that it pulled me back into the illusion, and I'm glad about that. I think I'm gonna live through the illusion for a while until I acquire the success I'm after, and then afterwards, I'll be ready to see how everything was just meaningless. But for now, I'll stick to self-actualizing the ego. 

do you really think its going to work out that way?

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@usernameOne thing to consider: wherever you go, you are always with you. If you desire to do ANYTHING, do it with your full intent.

I am encouraging you to live each and every day to the fullest. This doesn't mean go crazy, and "lose yourself" that way, either. It is a matter of being, rather than doing, to consider.

It seems that you are interested in being a person among persons which happens through daily "shallow" life. Yes, I have grown among people- I have learned...that is another subject.

I suggest that this will happen, without having to do a deep dive [in the shallow pool].

Edited by ElenaO
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@MarkusR All I have learned is through people, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to have some great people around me in real time,  And yeah I might have missed a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Electron said:



@Electron No matter my friend! At least now that you have done a good amount of introspection and working on yourself you can attract the right crowd.

Definitely make the effort to get out there though, lifes not worth it without other people man.^_^

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