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A Fool and A Dog

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Hello Dear Reader,

I am keeping this journal in order to record the process of becoming me. I invite you to respectfully read, to provide constructive criticism where you think it's needed, and more importantly, learn from my mistakes. We've all walked over cliffs oblivious to danger because we've been too busy playing with our Dog named Desire. We're all fools in one way or another because we trust the Dog instead of ourselves.

Those of you familiar with Tarot will recognise the Image of The Fool. Some who work with the images as prompts for the psyche argue that the deck's images describe the 22 card Major Arcana cards as a prototypical Fool's Journey we all undertake in actualising the Self. So, Welcome to my journey towards a stronger, more effective, and more resilient me.




I hope to have at the end of this stage a SMART plan for the rest of my life. Instead of the career over the cliff, I will have paid work that allows me space to grow into retirement with grace and equanimity. I have been unconsciously living another's life rather than consciously choosing one of my own. I choose now to discover my actualized life and discard that which no longer supports my growth. How am I going to do that? Just wait and see...

Edited by WoundedHealer
Learning the layout and spelling check

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Seems like you know what you want.  Good luck.

Joy :)


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