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Thought becoming aware of thought ≠ Awareness becoming aware of awareness

21 posts in this topic

If difference still is...

This is a big one.

Delusion of many.

Do you agree? Do you disagree?



(yes I had to google that sign)

Edited by ivankiss

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=\= :D

What's the point of being aware of yourself. It's like sayin you've seen yourself in a mirror. 

Everyone is aware we would presume just some are at différent stage of breaking down. 

It's not about building It's about purging all the stack of awareness that builded subconsciouly. Then you build with a more efficient system.

To me when you accept death for 'real' then the reality become very clear. But even death is an idea everything you put a case on is imagination. Could be a 'real litteral' thing that we are gods looking himself in a mirror. Even no thoughts and stage could be an expérienced bs

Context + relative to your understanding + relative of the word relative + relative to your communication émotion and the distance to one reality to another.

 Thoughts movings awareness and the relation between thoughts and émotions. Nothing can trigger for Real someone who is already nothing


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@Aeris  ≠ is sexier xD

No self to become aware of. Not what I'm talkin bout.

Cannot be compared to looking in the mirror. Especially not while you see yourself, or a mirror "reflecting back". Reflecting what? To whom? 

Purging is until nothing isn't.

Only when nothing is; awareness is aware fully. And that has nothing to do with building. 

Only out of nothing can something happen. Cannot run on both win98 and 10. Must delete first. 

To truly accept death is to really die. Would go even further by saying; gotta be "physically" experiental, as well. Otherwise thought remains in charge. Comes faster than it goes. No matter how many times it dies.

Concentration is also huge. But not as many view or understand it. Awareness concentrating awareness. That is how higher quality of nothing is. 

240p  ≠ 4K. 

But you can still watch the same movie. 

God I like that sign.



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15 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Aeris  ≠ is sexier xD

No self to become aware of. Not what I'm talkin bout.

Cannot be compared to looking in the mirror. Especially not while you see yourself, or a mirror "reflecting back". Reflecting what? To whom? 

Purging is until nothing isn't.

Only when nothing is; awareness is aware fully. And that has nothing to do with building. 

Only out of nothing can something happen. Cannot run on both win98 and 10. Must delete first. 

To truly accept death is to really die. Would go even further by saying; gotta be "physically" experiental, as well. Otherwise thought remains in charge. Comes faster than it goes. No matter how many times it dies.

Concentration is also huge. But not as many view or understand it. Awareness concentrating awareness. That is how higher quality of nothing is. 

240p  ≠ 4K. 

But you can still watch the same movie. 

God I like that sign.



why would thoughts stay in charge if you know they are all mostly illusion ?

it would assume that you still believe they have some utility with your survival or "need".

why being needy ? why thoughts keep being triggered without a will ?

I mean, I m fully aware now of when the thoughts start to play an orchestra of non sense.

I just tend to enjoy the music more now,

no more trying to play with everything that start to play > without an aware choice of my side.

Edited by Aeris

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@Aeris "all mostly illusion"? Give an example of exception, will ya?

Thought is thought. Illusion is not thought, only. 

Thought thinking it's an illusion is thought being in control, still.

That is the meat of my original statement. 

I like to listen to one song at a time. Hear clearly. C#ly.

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You know you are lying yourself. C'mon admitt it and laugh. ?❤️

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???What is a lie. Leta contemplate. Nah I'll skip it. For NOW. 

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Why not use a direct method like Self-inquiry instead of wasting time with irreconcilable mental paradoxes?

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13 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

Why not use a direct method like Self-inquiry instead of wasting time with irreconcilable mental paradoxes?

Now I understand why you Leo and everyone contradict yourself. It's kind of slaping in the face. Not allowing mind to cling to any possible idea until oh boy oh boy you realize what reality really is. I mean really is. Consciousness awakens not mind. ❤️

Mind gets illuminated and transformed and you see your entire ignorance all your stupidity etc. 

Love you all. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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