
Why does anything exists

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If God could do anything, could it think up the scenario of a sentient being just ignorant enough to not know it's god playing an act, but consious enough to realize theres something more to everyday awareness? Of course it can, that's what's happening on Earth. Animals are motivated based on rudimentary instinctual systems compared to humans, but still in their own sense are god manifesting itself (a self being form) in the formless. Humans create many religions to explain what we experience, which is just gods infinite curiosity to try everything possible from 000000000000000000000000000001, 000000000000000000000000000002, and onwards infinitely. Eventually it goes on long enough to experience the life of an animal, bacteria, physical objects, humans, and infinite beings we could never imagine. 

Edited by Wokeniqqa

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@Wokeniqqa for me it seems like no words can say why. Maybe just to experience :D but still it will be beyond words.

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