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Elliots Mind

The Existence of the Pleroma and non-physical entities

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Pleroma - (in Gnosticism) the spiritual universe as the abode of God and of the totality of the divine powers and emanations.

Leo has spoken about the illusion of separation and how its nothing but mind creation. Although my level of awareness is small relative to many people here, I can understand this intellectually and even make a lot of sense of it. I have had brief moments where it has become clear as day that the outer world COULD NOT be anything but myself and the idea of separation has become the more deluded one. Yet, when hearing about the new plans to 'map' the DMT realm (Imperial College London) it raised many questions as to where this place and the entities that enhabit it exist (I know Leo would say it exists 'nowhere' but this holds very little meaning to someone like me.)

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