
Everything is metaphysical.

11 posts in this topic

Nothing is physical. 

Can ya wrap yourself around it? 

No. It's infinite.

What is physical?

Where is it?


You think because something is solid it must be physical? Think again. Or rather; don't.


What is solid? Nothing is.

The only thing that's solid is delusion, really.

Physical realm exists only within delusion. Clearly.

But how could that possibly be?!




Edited by ivankiss

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39 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


Can ya wrap yourself around it? 

There is not a thing that can wrap itself around anything. There is just a thought


40 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


Physical realm exists only within delusion. Clearly.



Physical realms only exist as an idea

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Jkris No one here is trying to give you a new set of beliefs or plan for reality. We are talking about the present moment. We are talking what is actually there, what you can experience directly. Being not knowing. Im not giving words, the words should lead you to something beyond symbols and concepts

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Jkris "the problem is thoughts". that train of thought is the problem! stop making thoughts a problem. let them be however they want to go. 

Can you see how you are creating your own problem?

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Jkris Let them pass through you. They will fade away, die; eventually.

Resistance only makes them louder.

Let thoughts be thoughts, only.


Edited by ivankiss

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Thought “separate” of infinite emotion (Love/Truth) will continually attempt resolution 24/7. Thought can not resolve thought. All thought is relative, and can go on in circular fashion making distinctions forever, because thought’s unknown underlying true nature is infinite.  All thinking is false, relative & groundless - a ‘cover story’, or veil, to actuality; because finite can not encapsulate infinite. 

The basis of emotion is Love / Truth. Infinitely self aware. Imposing finite onto actual will never feel whole. 

Thinking, observance of separate, can go on forever. 

You are Love, Infinite & Truth. 

Awareness is infinite, creating the appearance of relative / finite, in forgetting this. The deepest, or final illusion is, “breathing sustains ‘alive’”. Meditate, go to this breathing and stay there. Thought will organically purge, emotion also will purge. Infinite awareness will purge all finite thought & emotional falsity & misinterpretations. Love is always loving you. Truth is always you. Purification is always happening. 

This happens to completion upon ‘death’, but there is no need to wait. “Waiting” is resistance, subtle and suffrage.

The collapse of alive and death is Truth. 

Meditation is the Way. 

All finite (thought) which you have “applied”, or over-laid upon Self (infinite), will be purged, and you will be purified (Truth). The best of both worlds, is no world. The best of no worlds, is this world.


Meditation is the Way.

Bliss is not either, but the middle.



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6 hours ago, Nahm said:

 “Waiting” is resistance

This was so relevant today. Thank you for reminding me.

Very subtle, indeed. 

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Indeed, everything is metaphysical. Only Being which is identical to God is Real and Actual. Being can only Be, it cannot be grasped by the mind. It can only be aware and conscious of itself. It's prior and beyond the mind. Prior to knowing and understanding.

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