
Is there any high consciousness dating material out there?

14 posts in this topic

Is there any help for dating out there that is more spiritual in nature? 

I dont want anything that includes: 

- Rating women from 1 to 10

- alpha/beta males

- "last minute resistance" and other toxic concepts

- pretending you are a though guy with tons of options, high value

- manipulative behaviour

- pick-up lines / routines

And basically anything else that sees women only as an object for sex and validation.

Edited by MM1988

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Yes, I would also love to find something like that.

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I cant recommend any material but you can get great results from releasing the emotions that make you needy / reactive.

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I doubt it but I'd be interested to see. In my opinion, you should just research regular pickup stuff and filter it through your spiritual beliefs and you'll be able to combine raw efficiency and the high consciousness ideals you're after. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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Not really. As you became more consciouss inevitably dating is something that you see more and more superficial. This is not to be confused with meeting people and women. I mean dating by the sake of it.

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Models by Mark Manson. Definitely way higher than most pua advice. I was actually suprised by how good it was.

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On 26.3.2019 at 2:50 PM, peqkno said:

I found these really different:
Focusing on developing yourself and being authentic + mindset.

Zan Perrion - no "techniques", being honest and loving women and showing that

He's really in love with women. You may say his Life Purpose was understanding women.



The Natural Lifestyles

The guys are into meditation, tantra and focus on understanding the woman's perspective.

Edit: The video below


And Dr. David Tian

(don't necessarily recommend the Channel 21 Studios, because it recently hosts many "Red Pill" Guys, that may feed into hate towards women)



These aren't a completely new paradigm, but a step above most RSD and RedPill material I used to watch...

Try to understand the heck out of women.

Develop empathy and authenticity.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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My topic on dating.

In short.

Being fearless. Believe in your own techniques + patience + awakening 


All teaching is shit. It's all contextual and relative. You could get a girl by joking on dead babies if you're legit.

A true master shape reality on the moment. It plan for right now. No futur no past

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@MM1988 I enjoy and enjoyed listening and watching david deida. He is the author of the way of superior men. Which cuts all this alpha beta crap thinking. 

I never practiced any of this, besides taking the advice and looking for cues. From audiobooks mostly. Or one YouTube Series.


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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Not specifically dating material, but Way of the Superior Man by Deida is relevant for the masculine side of the picture.

(As previously mentioned by others in this thread!)

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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I like fearless (youtube channel and website) a lot. Also Zan Perrion and especially his book the alabaster girl is great. Both stage greenish perspectives I would say.

love the way of the superior man as well.

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