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How would shamanic breathing relate to kundalini or chakras?

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Would it relate at all? After studying how each chakra has a function, Id like to know if shamanic breathing plays a role in purifying these energy centers. Otherwise, in general, I’d like to study more on shamanic breathing (for safety) mostly, but also the possibilities with it and how to do it most effectively, etc. If you guys have any good online or book resources where you learned a lot about shamanic breathing, maybe other testimonials, or scientific studies, or studies relating it to the east, id be glad if you can share those. I see it has a lot of potential after trying it like 6 times. 

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From what I studied so far on chakras, and experience so far, it seems it definitely opens the 4th (heart, and top chakra) and from other stories, the top most possibly, but was wondering if it gradually works on these chakras, and is the practice focused on a set few or all chakras?

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