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creating abstract ideas and dualities

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I am interested in pure imagination and creativity on the material plain, to me this is the creation of an idea. 

it seems i have come to a stage where i need to create my own framework for creating abstract ideas 

This entails the idea of creating a new category of duality 

this frameworks needs to be created for scratch 

does anyone have any insights into how i can literally delude myself into creating a new category 

its simply not impossible because infinity is pure imagination 

so how could i go about creating this framework

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You've said you are at the point of having to create your own framework. Does this assume you have been using other frameworks to this point ? If so why have you discarded them? 

i was doing some work today where part way through it was obvious the current method was not compatible so I am doing something similar at present 

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i haven't been using other frameworks because the relative scale of the universe as i'm thinking about is quite large, so to be creative i've got to seperate everything in reality for pure imagination. therefore needing to create a seperate criteria for thinking an idea

there are many levels of creativity, you can affect a niche area or a larger area, then there's having a universal impact 

what was the criteria suggested that you used? 

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7 hours ago, Aakash said:

i haven't been using other frameworks because the relative scale of the universe as i'm thinking about is quite large, so to be creative i've got to seperate everything in reality for pure imagination. therefore needing to create a seperate criteria for thinking an idea

there are many levels of creativity, you can affect a niche area or a larger area, then there's having a universal impact 

what was the criteria suggested that you used? 

I agree that the Universe is extremely large and it's not a successful way to create.  I also agree that you need to separate concepts for effective imagination. So this is where you want a separate criteria for the purpose of thinking?

Gosh, I've been staring at this screen, walking around my home trying to explain this in words. Here we go. I'm an artist and writer. I do digital art, although I get my paints out and go crazy with abstract when I feel the need. To categorise what I do, its all broadly universe spiritual, article writing ,poetry & digital imagery. Then there is my spiritual practise that feeds a lot of ideas into the artistic, and would be the most creative aspect. Each room is decorated if you like with artwork, crystal etc condusive to the creativity of that category. So I have the universe and the 4 criteria underneath feeding up & universe feeding down. I create a cosmos for each.  

Yesterday I had an energetic task that I thought would be simple, but turned out to have requirements that I both underestimated and were new, plus the end game was not clear. So I had a situation of needing a way to interrogate all of the criteria I already had and look for something that I hadn't defined, other than "looks like". I was working with a colleague whose contributions had to be translated to my system. 

Im about to create this now and won't call what I think it will look like, as I was pulled up yesterday quite a few time on assumption. 

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