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Road from nonduality to I Am That I Am

1 post in this topic

Reality is not non-dual

Reality is dual 

Reality is fragmented 

Fragmented into so many tiny pieces 

Pieces, things made up of things, and more things 

That can not be explained, or known, or understand

All forming one reality 

But reality is dual so there is many uncounted things in Existance 

Since reality is only many things, 

Reality does not exist, it is only the sum, the total of all that exists. 

And there are many totals. 

So a total does not exist. 

Reality is an illusion

Existance, is an illusion 

For what existed formally does not appear now or enter our senses. 

Concuousness, is just a mechanical system done by your brain. 

However, no one can say that Existance or non existance exists or does not exist. 

It can only be known through concuousness. 

And you cannot say you exist or not as a body because you cannot say if anything is a thing or not a thing. 

Because it could exist or it can not exist. 

It can only be known through concuousness 

You can not know if concuousness exists, or not 

But you are conceous. 

Yet concuousness is the only one thing to be known to exist. 

Nothing else 

Yet everything exists 

So what's the difference between concuousness and non concuousness 

And who's to say that anything contrasts with Existance. 

There is not a thing that contests Existance 

So it is eternal it is infinate 

It is one, it is all

It is whole and the sum of the parts 

In what it is. 

And who's to say that there is a distinction between the reader or me

The typer and you

Anything and you 

Not and you

It is all I 


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