28 cm unbuffed


14 posts in this topic

So - about prayer - i just watched Russell Brand's video and he mentions that his everyday routine consists of meditation, exercise, cold exposure and prayer. 

What do you guys think about it and do you practice prayer? What kind of and how do you practice it and what does it give you/ how it changes your life?

Like - i'm looking for some kind of rational, analitycal answer for a thing that is probably not rational at all, but still - i just want my mind to grasp it to make it more practical. 

How to do it? I wanted to find some YouTube video about it, but all of the videos are too woo-woo for me (XD). Thanks for answers, peace.

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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5 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:


yeah i do that too from time to time, or when i need some help with something in my life

first is grattitude, second is asking for divine help

Do not think that it is good idea to ask for divine help, makes to much confusion when it does not work and to much delusion when things work out.

Personally  not big fan of prayer, it has its own type of energy that makes it difficult for me to focus and is very unstable energy overall in my experience. 




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Prayer is all about belief.

It depends on what you want to believe and how hard you want it.

Prayer is a shortcut for all of the spiritual work, but you have to trust (take for granted) the insights from outer sources.

It's very powerful for creating happiness and success.

But you won't get there without believing.

So, choose your beliefs wisely, and then believe.

Edited by Truth Addict

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42 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

How to do it? I wanted to find some YouTube video about it, but all of the videos are too woo-woo for me (XD). Thanks for answers, peace.

5min tutorial from Mooji.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Prayer is a method for law of attraction.  It sets a strong intention and changes the dream, well maybe sometimes. It's less effective than direct control, but that's harder to achieve, due to egoic barriers. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Prayer is the original form of law of attraction


Prayer is another powerful spiritual practice

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For me the important part of prayer is me hearing what God is saying to me as opposed to god hearing what I'm saying to him. The only reason I listened to leo was because god spoke to my heart about him. Legit.

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2 hours ago, Aaron p said:

For me the important part of prayer is me hearing what God is saying to me as opposed to god hearing what I'm saying to him. The only reason I listened to leo was because god spoke to my heart about him. Legit.

It's all the same! 

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Russel Brand. Never found the guy funny, but I like his self-development stuff. He is very authentic and congruent. He did an excellent interview with Tony Robbins. I've also picked up a couple of his books.

As for prayer, i'm not religious, but I have wondered about the benefits of saying a prayer anyway. It might take the form of gratitude, I'm not sure. Just some positive self-talk in my head.

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