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Absolute Love - tell me what it is !

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Leo talks about Love with the capital L as an Absolute , ok . Now , tell me what is it exactly , what does it mean to Love as a reality for you . Being conscious of this ''Love'' , what real/practical implications this have , and what's different of not being conscious of it ? Because for me this is just nonsense , and has ANY real implication in real life because it's just a fairy-tale of the mind . Thank you .

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you can't grasp any of the capital letters until you realise form is formless and formless is form

however, you can pick it up as a belief in a mean time because its less harmful than the other beliefs out there with a spec of truth in terms of concepts. 

however until then you can understand and see the world in the terms of the capital letters instead of their respective dualities 

To answer your question the practicality is that you can do anything you want and its love 

the difference of being conscious of it or not, is to be conscious that everything is one 

until you pick up this perspective its not conscious and not in your direct experience 

another practicality is that you can learn to forgive people or yourself because you know what ever viewpoint you hold about any duality whether they be bad, good, ugly or wrong you can automatically know that you aren't grasping what the spiritual path is ultimately about. Its kind of using love to HEAL your perspectives that are making you suffer

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14 minutes ago, Aakash said:

To answer your question the practicality is that you can do anything you want and its love 

@Aakash So there is no real implications . That's the problem , the reason all you said don't make sense in a practical sense is because is all is Love , no matter what I do , it's love , no matter what i've done , it's love , no matter what anyone does , it's love . This don't give you any new real perspective , and the absolute Love that Leo talks , is just another form of relative love that if you think thru it , it's not real , just mind creating stories . Follow me : if you use ''Love'' for ''HEAL'' something that you don't want , you are already making the distinction that it is bad , that's duality . The Love must include everything , even your ego ... So you can't say is Love or any positive-relative word with a capital letter , because in the act of doing this you are creating the duality . It is trying to put The Absolute as a positive thing , but no , it's just the absolute .

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I'm not gonna lie Love was really hard for me to get, so i would just contemplate 

a) what if love is not a feeling you feel then what is it 

b) love vs hate duality 

c) does the individual itself feel and produce love

Tip: most of the love we know is actually attachment not love


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48 minutes ago, tecladocasio said:

but no , it's just the absolute .

Just? Lol

Yeah, it's only EVERYTHING!

From the way you speak, sure sounds like you're missing love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Get a glimpse of it and you will understand.

Nothing we can tell you can convince you, it's not something that your mind will ever figure out,

It's 100% experiential.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, tecladocasio said:

Leo talks about Love with the capital L as an Absolute , ok . Now , tell me what is it exactly , what does it mean to Love as a reality for you . Being conscious of this ''Love'' , what real/practical implications this have , and what's different of not being conscious of it ? Because for me this is just nonsense , and has ANY real implication in real life because it's just a fairy-tale of the mind . Thank you .

you’ll never know if you don’t at least look out for it. try to find it, maybe one day it will hit you out of nothing out of nowhere. then you’ll laugh about how blind you’ve been.

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@tecladocasio On absolute Love. . . This is the type of thing that is conceptual candy for my mind. I hear a lot of spiritually advanced beings speaking of awakening / enlightenment / beingness as Love. The closet I can describe what has arisen from deeper absolute / nondual is “nothing”. The closest I can describe the experience at the human level is a sense of “ISness”. When I call it love, peace, bliss etc. my sense is that I am taking one step away from that ISness. Yet that step away feels very good to my mind-body. 

Regarding love. . . rather than using the term “absolute”, what resonates better with my mind-body is the term/concept of “trans-personal” love. This is an essence of love that transcends a psychological self. That description feels right to my mind-body at this time and what my mind-body is embodying. I feel a strong pull toward exploring that beingness. . . That’s just where my mind-body is at now. Who knows, maybe new insights will arise in this area as life unfolds. ?‍♂️ 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


@Leo Gura this is all duality , the absolute you guys talk about is just another form of duality , that's why you get all excited and start talking about words with capital letters . There is a reason they call it Nothingness ... 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

From the way you speak, sure sounds like you're missing love.

@Leo Gura How can i miss something that YOU are saying it's an absolute ? Just get real . what do you want with this ?

39 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Your hand is absolute love.

@ivankiss And this is good or bad ? 

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Just now, tecladocasio said:


@ivankiss And this is good or bad ? 

Neither. Just is...

The Absolute.

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@tecladocasio The definition in your mind says love is supposed to be this or that. 

On it's own love is pure and undefined. That is what makes it so infinite and magical. 

Tune into it with your heart. Leave the mind behind.

Edited by ivankiss

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1 hour ago, Shin said:

Get a glimpse of it and you will understand.

Nothing we can tell you can convince you, it's not something that your mind will ever figure out,

It's 100% experiential.

That's 50% true.

The other 50% can come from mere belief.

Belief = Experience ...... and

Experience = Belief

There's no difference between the two.

If you believe enough that everything is love, you will easily understand it.

If you believe enough that everything is hatred, you will easily understand it.

That's the beauty of reality, belief whatever you want, it'll become true, pure magic!


Edited by Truth Addict

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6 minutes ago, tecladocasio said:

@ivankiss so Love is neither good or bad ? why you call it love , then ?

10 minutes ago, tecladocasio said:

@Leo Gura How can i miss something that YOU are saying it's an absolute ? Just get real . what do you want with this ?

@ivankiss And this is good or bad ? 


The only way something can be good or bad, is when you judge it and classify it as something good or bad for "Tecladocasio".

If there was an alien race which liked to have human pets, you would hate them for enslaving yourself.
To them it would be fun to get a nice and cute human though, in the worst case they buy an another if he's too mean.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

The definition in your mind says live is supposed to be this or that. 

@ivankiss no, I'm just questioning . The definition in YOUR mind says that life is Love , and you are saying it's neither good or bad . You are using your mind so put the Love label into nothing , not recognizing that the Love that you put comes from your mind , so it's not an absolute . Love is Love , the absolulte is the absolute . And love is a good thing , don't say it is nothing . You are misrepresenting something .

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1 minute ago, Shin said:



If there was an alien race which liked to have human pets, you would hate them for enslaving yourself.

There is a deeper truth in this than it might appear to the common eye xD

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3 minutes ago, Shin said:

The only way something can be good or bad, is when you judge it and classify it as something good or bad for "Tecladocasio".

@Shin Okay , so Love is good or bad ? hahahh . See that you make judgments every second of your life by good and bad . That's how you survive by the way . 

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