
There are no distinctions in reality

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8 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Shin LUL

 because i am a magician who can make you hallucinate it 









That's 4 distinctions right there,

Not possible if you can't distinguish anything


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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fine distinctions exist, you win, i win, same thing :P 

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14 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Off-topic, how much time do you spend to look for your avatars? :D 


First time since the last one.

100 times since 2 hours ago :ph34r:

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Distinctions are mind made. The mind literally covers up (like a veil) reality that there is only source projected into billions of forms that come and go.

Those forms fight for supremacy and survival because they are deluded by the veil. 

But even after the veil is lifted there is no escaping form, no escaping seperateness, no escaping physicality, no escaping competition, no escaping love, bonding and estrangement. No escaping birth and death. 

But does life itself ever die? Was it ever born? Now you know what you are at the deepest level, there is no going back. You're free to live your ignorance while knowing you are the truth.



Edited by David Hammond

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@David Hammond Literally man, i went out for a walk and sat next to some grass and was like this is me lol, i felt i was me looking at me and playing with me 

although i realise now that absolute nothing and absolute nothing are dualities itself 

reality itself can not be known in the sense you can't know what it is you are 

like you are neither absolute something and absolute nothing 

you are just blank

not even the word got justifies what it is 

like its just silent 

theres no way to describe it 

because youd be describing reality 

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8 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@David Hammond Literally man, i went out for a walk and sat next to some grass and was like this is me lol, i felt i was me looking at me and playing with me 

although i realise now that absolute nothing and absolute nothing are dualities itself 

reality itself can not be known in the sense you can't know what it is you are 

like you are neither absolute something and absolute nothing 

you are just blank

not even the word got justifies what it is 

like its just silent 

theres no way to describe it 

because youd be describing reality 

The tao that can be spoken of...✌

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ahman i used to demonize enlightened people that got married lol i was like they shouldn't be doing that 

now i know better :D ahah

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This is nonsense:


You are infinite, you are everything 

zero is infinity

nothing is something 

absolute is relative 

ALL DISTINCTIONS ARE IMPOSSIBLE because you are the sum total of ALL BUT they SEEEEM to exist because you limit yourself to something finite and see something finite next to you so you create the first duality "ME" vs "ME NOT"

"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10

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@Aakash The sooner you accept that it cannot be put into words, the sooner you'll get there. The stories about the Self are the obstacles themselves.

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@FoxFoxFox i'm already over it, its not what i'm trying to do really  to be honest i've gone back to the begginning before i even knew about sprituality existing and am just going to live my life normally as i  would and try to better myself as a human being 

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@Aakash As long as you are in peace, then it's good. But you are not at peace. Deep down inside you know something is missing but you just can't figure out what it is. It's like a hole burning through your sternum. Just what is that? 

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50 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@Aakash The sooner you accept that it cannot be put into words, the sooner you'll get there. The stories about the Self are the obstacles themselves.

I think he's already figured that out lol. 

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@Aakash Yes you desire annihilation. The real you knows that it's being taken over by an impostor. People live their lives like that you know. Most people feel 'hollow', consciously or unconscionably, and that's the symptom of body-identification. To get rid of that there is only one way: kill the ego. Only the ego cannot kill itself. Only grace can be the murderer. That is why it's extra tragic when people commit suicide for spiritual purposes. The mind won't die with the body's death and it'll find a way back. 

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19 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@FoxFoxFox for my desires to be eradictated, is that what your talking about

It's the attachment to desire that is the problem. That's what the Buddah taught. Not desire itself. You're no longer attached to desire or no desire, you're just free to live as a free person.

That's what enlightenment actually is. It's not some morbid state where you don't live life anymore. You celebrate life because you ARE life itself.

Is there any fear left in you? 

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4 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

I think he's already figured that out lol. 

Have you?

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