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what is a problem metaphysically

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what are the metaphysical assumptions behind a problem

a) problems are negative and need to be solved 

b) a problem is anything that HINDERS survival 

c) a problem is a need that reality requires to survive in its duality distinction 

d) a problem is an impact to the relative notion of a duality pair 

e) a problem is only a partial perspective of a situation 

f) a holistic problem is not a problem because its integral to the system 

h)  a problem needs to be solved progressively and improved constantly (i.e capitalism) 

I) a problem is a particular viewpoint that is unsatisfactory 

J) a problem is nothing more than a concept

K) a problem is neither good nor bad

L) a problem is inherit in a material system because the outputs are not likely to benefit everyone and resources are used to solve the problem 

M) A problem has an infinite number of solutions, because the problem can be redefined with different boundaries of interpretations 

N) a problem is never solved entirely until the duality of it collapses

O) reality is both imperfect-perfect and perfect and therefore there problems are created through sheer assumption and imaginary belief systems

Edited by Aakash

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4 minutes ago, Aakash said:

problems are created through sheer assumption and imaginary belief systems

This is dualism under the pretence of non duality.

You are subtly creating a problem when you say problems are imaginary. 

Problems are part of reality. It's part of the dance. If it were not for problems there would be no dance. 


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3 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

If it were not for problems there would be no dance. 

how so

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4 minutes ago, Aakash said:

how so

What is existence about other than change? Why is existence happening? Because of problems. 

This is why I am saying that non dual states are only training wheels to true enlightenment.

There is the 'state'of no problems, but that is a duality between no problems and problems. True non dual understanding is what already is, everything in existence including the problem of delusion.

This is why they say in dzogchen that ignorance is not a condition to be corrected. Ignorance is.

You realize that your normal state was enlightenment all along.

That's enlightenment. 

Nothing to do, nowhere to go


Edited by David Hammond

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@David Hammond but that literally means theres nothing to do in the universe at all, no improvements , no downgrades , nothing

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9 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@David Hammond but that literally means theres nothing to do in the universe at all, no improvements , no downgrades , nothing

No it's doenst. You're not grasping what I'm saying.

Let me try a different pointer.

When enlightened masters like me and nahm say that everyone is enlightened or that there are no enlightened beings, we mean that everything that exists is enlightenment. All people are the enlightened mind at whatever level of mind or state or delusion they are.

This means that life itself is God, the movement, the struggle itself, the delusion, the growth, going to work, striving to survive is enlightenment.

Chop wood, carry water. Only this time it's basking in the background knowing that it's all perfection.

Don't confuse enlightenment with a self improvement state where there are no problems or death or issues or highs or lows. That's what you are doing, you're waiting for IT to happen and be in absolute bliss. 

It doesn't work that way. But ironically bliss comes with the realization.


Edited by David Hammond

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@David Hammond okay so its okay to then make the best possible life for oneself then  because thats god itself doing that 

5 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

Only this time it's basking in the background knowing that it's all perfection.

im guessing you mean not going to back to the finite "i"

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3 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@David Hammond okay so its okay to then make the best possible life for oneself then  because thats god itself doing that 

im guessing you mean not going to back to the finite "i"

Yes. Everyone is a Zen master in my eyes. Even someone who bursts into a school and shoots 15 kids and then turns the gun on themselves.

And my grief over it is Zen. 

It's all Zen. The whole dance is Zen. 

There is nothing to improve on your drive to improve. 

It's about what is. What is can be no other way.

Edited by David Hammond

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There is one serious problem with duality collapse too, realizing that there is only you can be very damaging to ever experiencing life to its fullest. 


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@Aakash The finite i is always there. You cannot be an object in existence without it. But your identity is something else. It's life itself. 

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@purerogue Yeah i get that, as it happens to many people on this forum

but after what david said i kinda have no issues living my life to the fullest 

because if that is enlightenment lets say 

then how could you not try live your life to the fullest? 

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@David Hammond I see i finally get it, the whole dance is zen because everything in reality is reality itself. It is, so there can't be anything outside of it. 

so if i want to create a million pounds by doing inception its zen LOL 

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Just now, Aakash said:

@David Hammond I see i finally get it, the whole dance is zen because everything in reality is reality itself. It is, so there can't be anything outside of it. 

so if i want to create a million pounds by doing inception its zen LOL 

Yes..once You become aware of your supreme identity. Before that it's just a lonely ego struggle. After it's a beautiful blessing 

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2 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@purerogue Yeah i get that, as it happens to many people on this forum

but after what david said i kinda have no issues living my life to the fullest 

because if that is enlightenment lets say 

then how could you not try live your life to the fullest? 

I just pointed out problem, allot  of people do not understand implications of 0 and why this and rest of experiences exist in first place. 

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@Aakash Enlightenment does not mean you become passive..The samuri of Japan killed while honouring the spirit in their objective enemy. They played form, but they weren't bound to it spiritually.

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@purerogue I see because they think that 0 means nothing and to have a 0 life but its actually the opposite really, to be honest i can't understand what else you would do with your life now besides live it to the fullest 

but really is there a problem, not spending it to the max

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@David Hammond wow that actually was an amazing line!! that makes so much sense ahah

it all makes sense, so the individual self is limiting life and not limiting life because it self is doing life at the same time 

and therefore enlightenment exists and does not exist

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@Aakash Perhaps your concept of enlightenment doesn't exist ? Perhaps it's a perfect passive being with no drives to exist?

That's a fantasy. Think about form for a while. Is it true that there will ever be a point when you can rest and there be no issues?

Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. That's the understanding you get once real enlightenment hits you. 

Nothing to do nowhere to go BUT here and now, this form with all of its problems. 

From that place problems are no longer a problem. They are situations because form requires an action. 

Now, how this relates to karma is that you still act but nothing sticks psychologically because its a flow state.

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@David Hammond HOLD UP A SECOND 

I CAN SEE FORMLESSNESS, its everything! 

holy shit, i am the whole of reality of form :/  

6 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

Is it true that there will ever be a point when you can rest and there be no issues?

yup i did think this, but this is a false assumption, i understand now 

7 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

Nothing to do nowhere to go BUT here and now, this form with all of its problems. 

From that place problems are no longer a problem. They are situations because form requires an action. 

Now, how this relates to karma is that you still act but nothing sticks psychologically because its a flow state.

OMG there is no going to absolutely nothing, its just going back to form/ formless non duality 

but i'm not understanding "nothing to do, nowhere to go" 

also don't understand the karma part 

but omg LOL i see formlessness LOL! 

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