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No-self to God-Self - Part 2

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I am going to try my best to explain what I directly experienced. 


In my direct experience I was able to open my third eye.

Opening my third eye is a good metaphor to explain how perceptions are seen Actually without a third party self interfering.

'Eyes open, world appears'

'Eyes closed, world disappears'

The third eye can be opened with kundalini yoga.

Bramacharya (semen retention) is recommended for Kundalini yoga.


The crown chakra represents God-self and most people can't reach this stage.

If you can imagine you went from turning yourself inside out from self to no-self (outside world) 

You are now turning the (outside world) no-self outwards to see outside the outside world and realise God as an awareness. 

To shine light on the lamp itself, the lamp must realize it wasn't the lightbulb.

Stages of Realization 

1. Lightbulb

2. Light

3. Lamp

The lamp (awareness) embodies both the light (perception) and the lightbulb (perciever)

Can you see what you've done?

You've realized two heads of a coin self (heads) and no-self (tails) 

Now realise you are the coin itself (God)



Edited by Anton_Pierre

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Can it be ,explain' by statement that this experience is like going through the strange loop or doing "full circle"?

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@tedens It goes full circle because you go from self to no-self back to Self (with a capital S) 

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But what really /actually/ lies in the ground /foundation/ of initiation such an experience?

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Can You then try to do  some deep insights on this?

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