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Are problems metaphysical or can they be solved with business venture

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So let me give some context to this question i propose 

i started questioning the existence of reality to find a business venture to make a million pounds; it was a green spiral dynamic venture to simply make money off finding a product or service that will solve a major world problem like poverty, renewable energy etc.. since joining the spiritual community i understand that materialism can not solve the world problems and therefore i would like to ask 

do business products solve problems or create problems 

lets take innovation for example or entrepreneurship. Its creating a new market demand for an idea or concept that does not already exist, we can look at this in another way, as creating a problem that wasn't there to begin with and finding then creating the solution to it itself which materialist will now be addicted to, indirectly leading to more world problems ., which is different to looking at a world problem that already exist in the world and creating a product to solve the solution 

but really did the product create the problem or solve the problem, because in TRUTH, the problem is a metaphysical understanding of reality that solves each persons desire and selfishness. 


cellular phones did not solve a problem because, it created a problem that telecommunications weren't cordless and portable. There was actually no NEED for cellular phones, landlines were perfect exactly as are. 

Opiod addiction was never a problem to begin with, but the venture to use them for medical properties created this problem 


I've noticed , its easier to get rich of creating a problem and providing the solution , then it is to find a solution to a product that already exist

A) not everyone has the problem 

B) even when people think its a problem they may have, some people may not be responsive 

But lets say i had a vaccination that gave everyone in the country HIV and i had the solution to it- Id make way more money. 

Its like your monopolising the idea of "HIV" since its obviously just a concept 

just like the stock exchange market is a concept, and money is an agreed concept of value. 


I'M telling you, you are ugly! ugly as ugly can be

here's a dress that will make you feel beautiful for the first time

Edited by Aakash

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 an extract from this website

"Good managers solve problems, but great leaders create problems and then empower others in their organization to solve them. Creating problems leads directly to innovation. 

Of course, deliberately creating problems is counterintuitive; we’re wired to avoid problems. Culturally we’re trained to get rid of problems. "


not finding a problem and creating a problem statement about the issue


Edited by Aakash

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Done some more research, it is the difference between problem solving and problem finding  and creating a problem 

i would say that finding a problem is being able to identify a problem that existed but you weren't conscious of 

but what i'm trying to understand here, is how to create a problem out of thin air. 

@Leo Gura is there any insight you can provide me about the duality between "problem vs solution" 

Edited by Aakash

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