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Leo’s Life Purpose Course

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Can someone that has completed the life purpose course explain how it has helped him or her?  

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Hey Amy! 

Leo's LP course in my case helped me with finding bits and pieces which came together over time to provide me with a bigger and clearer picture of my vision. The exercises mainly helped me with exploring my own interests and ideas and how to's and what if's. There's work on your part and the course is not perfect but it does help you with extracting answers from your own psyche by hitting the questions from multiple perspective. 

I took the course about 2 years ago? but i still revisit it from time to time. Its not a one time i've seen it all, finished it all course. the exercises and the concepts, you need to keep coming back to them, sometimes to specific topics where you're stuck. 

As long as there is effort and sincerity on your part, the course will help. 

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@Vaishnavi thank you for responding. I did purchase the course. I am at the part of doing the exercises. It is definitely a lot of work. I guess I am looking for affirmation that it works for people. I will go through with it and I hope I get answers as well as  a deeper understanding of myself. 

Thank you again!

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