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Trouble finding a therapist

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Initially I wanted a life coach but I need someone that takes my health insurance 

Anyone here have some tips on looking for a therapist or can tell me successful therapist experiences? Honestly I'm a bit lost in my approach. I've been looking for weeks and I couldn't find anyone that lives near me + takes my insurance + their copy on psychology today really resonated with me.

I want someone who I can discuss myself to that I feel really gets me. I also need them to understand the topics: Life purpose, spiral dynamics green (dont need to know SD per say) and can help me move through challenging emotions with some sort of good healing / emotional mastery practice.  

What didn't work for me:  

Psychologists who are too scientific/academia based, not open-minded, didn't read, projects limiting beliefs onto me 

Edited by d0ornokey

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Trial and error.

Like most things in life, there are things that are for you and things that aren't. I have spent 2 and a half years in psychodynamic therapy to heal old childhood traumas. For various reasons, I suspect I will be looking for another therapist sooner or later. That doesn't mean the previous 2 and a half years have been a waste of time. It's been part of my journey and I am taking something from it. When the time is right, i'll move on. 

Be careful that you aren't putting up intellectual smokescreens as a defence mechanism. Therapy shouldn't necessarily be a cosy, stimulating environment. For me, I need to be processing events from the past, some grief work. It's uncomfortable. If this is not necessarily your cause, then maybe a life coach or a different school of therapy is for you. It depends on what you are trying to deal with in your life.

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When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

I've been to very different therapists for different issues. They all had different approaches and every time some part of me has grown and integrated. It all feels in hindsight very natural. Trust the path, trust your first intuition and your heart. It may lead you to someone you don't expect to be much of value for your problem or situation. Intuition is never wrong. Sometimes you need to learn something that you're not yet consious off.

Drop the wishlist, define the biggest problem at this moment to work on and follow your heart in making a choice.  

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