
The 2nd Phase of Awakening - The fusing of the Duality of Form and Formlessness

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The idea of “permanent” requires the construct of a timeline. Permanence is the idea of an unchanging nature through time - and it is extremely alluring to a mind. Assumptions of past and future go deeply into the subconscious and can be extremely subtle. Many ideas are indirectly linked to underlying assumptions of past and future. Yet they are merely thought impulses occurring Now. They are bird chirps. The only thing unchanging is Now. The only thing permanent is Now. Yet to even say “Now” allows the underlying assumption of a past and future. Strictly speaking, there is no Now. Simply IS. 

Transcending the timeline is a deep realization.

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@Nahm i don't think you are grasping what i am saying here.

Yes we can replace the word Death with God.  God is more appropriate...that's why i said i used it loosely.

What i am saying is that after enlightenment...after the mystical experience of ultimately fall back at some point to the Ego.  Are you disputing that? 

Furthermore have you had a mystical experience?

Do you consider yourself awakened?

Now once back in the Ego the duality of form and formlessness is then created.  So you see i am not stating that i believe in duality.  I am saying that a duality is created.

This is what Leo is referring to in his self inquiry Christmas edition episode..

Are we on the same page now?

He then states that you can bring the two together into One.  This is the fusing of the form and the formlessness and then you walk around like the Zen master at the end of the Ox journey that just roams around in town laughing..  But what is that? is that the Ego with just super fucking high levels of consciousness (thats what i believe, for the record)  where you are not in some mystical state (a formless state) but you are just super aware of Truth.  You are not Being Truth but you are fully conscious of Truth.  You may become Being during meditation again at some point but formless is not permanent for you.

Being super conscious is, though.

That was all i was asking.  its really simple if you think about it.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 The dualities you’re using as references are thoughts. Let them go. Let all ideas go.  Maybe it’s helpful to say, you don’t bring two together into one, there is one, and you inspect your thoughts which suggest there were ever two. There is awareness of twoness, ego. There is no attachment to it and it’s shenanigans. And there is knowing there never was an ego. Yes, you will likely spend the rest of your life walking around laughing about not walking around or laughing. This reminds me of the “don’t ever fake a smile” post, but all-encompassing. Sit and do nothing for as many days as you are willing and some serious shit will barf out of you. Love is always purifying, how much resistance, how deep to inspect avoidance, etc, that is an apparent variable. 

As not to “argue”, we won’t ‘be on the same page’ with this today. That’s is perfect and all is well. 

Also, asking, wondering, inquiring, sizing up other’s awakening / enlightenment is not the right avenue. It reinforces a delusion of a type of progress, hierarchy, status, etc (that kind of vibe /belief) when in Truth, you and only you can awaken / be enlightened. I could tell you anything, and it would still filter through your interpretation, so what does it matter? It does not behoove you or me. Further, once “enlightened”, there is no such thing as “enlightenment”. You won’t be able to see it, though you’d swear you must have thought it was something before (logically). So that apparent paradox, via communication, would only add confusion. Try to allow that not making sense, and accept that it isn’t rational or sensical. At the end of the day, every system, be it thinking or ‘otherwise’, is within the infinite magic.



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@Nahm All is definitely well :)

I am still working on my humility so i apologize if i came on strong.  

I gotta say the most humble guy on this entire forum is Serotoninluv.   Props to you man - you are truly an example for everyone on this forum and i mean that sincerely.  Nahm your'e pretty cool too :)


But i respect all your opinions and let us all find deep Wisdom and happiness in our journey.

On that note i will also add that this is a very special place to be and I'm honored to be here among all you guys.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 ? You weren’t coming on strong...just meant there is a process, it takes time. We shouldn’t have an expectation that perspectives, paths, etc, should be the same any given day. I hear ya on Serotonin. I believe he will pull off The Full Mooji trifecta one day soon. 



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@Nahm i actually felt imy chakras come alive (Being) coming on after i posted that.

Love is the answer always.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:



It’s always risky, stating one’s direct doesn’t usually help, because there is often the reinforcement of “other”, and the disparaging of the self not “being there yet”...only perpetuating the twoness.

Ok, so first, the whole one stomach, two lungs, thing...WOAH.

Second... xD Does this mean we should just shut up about our experiences and that the need to share them inhibits our growth? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Nahm i actually felt imy chakras come alive (Being) coming on after i posted that.

Love is the answer always.

We are inter-connected.

❤️ ? 

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I think what he is trying to say that you are trying to exclude something, when there is  nothing to excluded as everything is you,created by you, that is you, what I am afraid of is that people will misunderstand this message. :D 

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@Inliytened1 Yes sorry, was quoting from Nahm. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

Ok, so first, the whole one stomach, two lungs, thing...WOAH.

Second... xD Does this mean we should just shut up about our experiences and that the need to share them inhibits our growth? 

Not talking for even a few days can be cathartic. It’s great for purging & purification. If that’s not possible soon, try a word count each day. Great for attention on our inattentions. Also purging.  

Sharing & feeling deeper and new connections with people is just as important. 

...on the body note....notice have never directly experienced the actuality of breathing. Only the veil -  “exchange of gases”, “keeps me alive”, which somebody “figured out”. The knowing of what it is, is like duct tape covering just enough of the actuality, that it is entirely unknown. 



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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Not talking for even a few days can be cathartic. It’s great for purging & purification. If that’s not possible soon, try a word count each day. Great for attention on our inattentions. Also purging.  

What about also not listening to or reading words for a few days? I have some free time coming up and pondering what I could do for an at-home retreat. 

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@Serotoninluv I don’t know if the mind words wise would really fade. I suppose so, but we’d never know. ? ...suggestion wise...Something foreign, at the ‘initially disregarded’ level, or something light? ?



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@Nahm I feel open to ideas. Yet I’m not feeling desire to go too intense right now. Like 10 hr SDS sits in a dark room kinda stuff.

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@Serotoninluv I’d get up early, exercise, meditate, get a massage, reiki, and then do whatever the hell I felt like for the rest of the days. Seriously. That’s the approach I’m suggesting. 



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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Serotoninluv I’d get up early, exercise, meditate, get a massage, reiki, and then do whatever the hell I felt like for the rest of the days. Seriously. That’s the approach I’m suggesting. 

Hmmm, that sounds quite pleasant. What’s the catch? ? ? 

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@Serotoninluv lol. Maybe buy a guitar, and learn the chords to play your favorite song...learn some singing basics. ?  I’d go Adam Sandler mindlessness is what I’m sayin. Sero-sized well being & fun. You’ve been on some hell-a-deep-retreats. I’m bankin on the other side of that coin. Bashar would call it a ‘permission slip to live freely’.  I’m kind of placing a bet I guess, that it’s the right ‘key’ for certain insights. The catch is you wouldn’t know if you’ll ‘lose what you have so far’ in Sandlerville. 



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