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How do I make new habits the right way?

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I want to fix my sleeping schedule because I currently go to bed at around 5am and wake up anywhere from 2-4pm. My goal is to go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 8:30am. I have already tried not sleeping an entire night so I can go to bed the next day at the time I want and that worked for 3-5 days but then I always went to bed a bit later until I finally was at around 5am again. Now I wonder if it is better to take it slow and wake up a little earlier every day and go to bed a little earlier as well or if I should try the "hardcore" method again and just dont sleep for a night, go to bed early the next day and wake up early and just focus more on that until it becomes a solid habit. 

Advice is appreciated :D

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What helped me to wake up earlier was to take control of my time before i got to bed the day before usually, I would make my self ready for bed a half hour early before I had to sleep and then set an alarm for when i had to wake up.

It also helps to remove distractions so you don't get distracted and spend an hour on the phone when you should be sleeping which happened for me xD

I recommend reading this blog post:

Edited by BjarkeT

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Nothing can fix your problems unless they become real life problems.

I mean why even trying to change anything at all if it's working fine for you? Right?

You don't really want to change, because you don't really need to change.

Instead, create a need to change, like having to wake up early to go to work, school or college, etc.. I don't know, you know.

Or you can convince yourself to do something that is of no value to you, which in my experience, is the hardest thing ever.

Edited by Truth Addict

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