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Immortal peace

How to remain calm when shit hits the fan big time

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So I am a partially disabled individual with a brain injury. I had a decent settlement with my insurance company that I used to get a house with 50% down payment and the rest on mortgage. My only source of income is from disability and is just enough to meet my expenses; I live with my family. Lately my tenants been breaking appliances Ona regular basis a d I have buy new ones. Thus all my savings are gone and my line of credit maxed out. Yesterday they called and said that the stove is now broken and I don't have any more money to buy a new one.I meditate daily and do some self inquiry which helps alot, but thisshit is just giving me intense anxiety and depression. Can't control the cycle of negative  thoughts(tenants suing, how would I pay mortgage, etc etc).


How does one remain calm in such a situation?


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@Immortal peace

Personally, I find it very helpful to take everything to its conclusion.

For example: okay, what happens if I don't have enough money? (some answers come up). Okay what happens if that happens? (some answers come up). Repeat until you get to the root of your fear, and then question the fear.

Disclaimer: this game is dangerous, it's like gambling with your life, so be careful playing it.

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@Immortal peace You're sort of conflating two issues there, existential issues with mundane survival issues.

If you care about survival there's no escaping that you will have to handle those survival issues. For example if you're starving and you have no money or food, no amount of meditation will fix that issue. But what meditation can do is allow you to die in peace. How? Well, you'd need to become very good at meditation or you'd need to awaken to realize that death is an illusion. The body will die from lack of food, but you as God will not.

If you want the body to be alive there's no escaping finding food.

Which is why spirituality is not an escape from everyday obligations. That's a bad way to look at it. You want to get masterful at handling survival issues. Which in your case means: design a way to make a decent living. Don't try to offload this issue on meditation or enlightenment. Learning how to earn a decent living is a whole skillset. It's tempting to think that you can avoid developing such skillets through "finding peace" via spirituality. That's a bad approach.

As your practice spirituality though, even though you'll still have tricky survival issues to deal with, you will deal with them more calmly and effectively. They won't stress you out as much as they would otherwise because in the end you know that whatever happens will be okay. And you will have more emotional self-control.

A simple way to calm yourself is to breath slowly and deeply for a few minutes or hours.

Sedona Method is also really good for clearing out emotions.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Truth Addict would try this game tonight. Thanks for replying.


@Leo Gura so true. Spirituality cannot help with the survival needs, I have to get my shit together.

Thanks for replying.

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@Leo Gura

But sometimes life can leave you really stuck and paralysed that you have no other choice but to surrender and wait for some miracle to occur.

It's not victim's thinking, sometimes it can really be the case, and patience is required.

@Immortal peace

Best of luck!

I know it's hard, but it will pass, and my heart is with you ❤️

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@Immortal peace Wy are you buying appliances for your tenants in the first place? Did you put that in the lease, or are you assuming you’re supposed to?  And is the tenant suing over not having a stove?        

I found slow stomach breathing, and focusing on the stomach moving to work well.  Also, try forming the problem at hand into one phrase expressing your sensation & emotion about it, maybe “frustrated because I don’t have the money to buy a stove”, and write it down. Then write the opposites and just consider if there is at least some truth in those statements too. Maybe for example...”Frustrated...but eventually I’ll have money for the stove”. It might appear more to be the short term issue that it is.  Another example might be”I don’t have to be frustrated, because I don’t have the money for the stove”.     Just using the stove as an example, but you get the idea.   The exercise of writing it down as a direct experience can be really liberating of the weight carried.



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Second part points it out plus it was written in the lease too which was made by a real estate agent.


They break something almost every month. I have bought new washer-dryer, hot water geyser, new toilets in washrooms, dishwasher in just one year and one more year is left for lease to finish.

Furnace was broken too but I got it fixed for a like 500.

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@Immortal peace

Hang in there buddy, I've been there.

I've had moments in my life where it seemed like there's no hope for me, and that I was lost, but I was patient until some miracle happened and fixed everything at once, I look back and still wonder how was that possible! But the bottom line is that it is possible, and now my life is milk and honey, and so will be yours.

Don't lose hope, people have come back from even worse situations.

Maybe you can find some work online, I don't know a lot about your situation, but there's always a way.


Edited by Truth Addict

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6 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

@Immortal peace

Personally, I find it very helpful to take everything to its conclusion.

For example: okay, what happens if I don't have enough money? (some answers come up). Okay what happens if that happens? (some answers come up). Repeat until you get to the root of your fear, and then question the fear.

Disclaimer: this game is dangerous, it's like gambling with your life, so be careful playing it.

Sounds like book "

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by  David D. Burns" :)

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