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Nobody attached to "me". Pseudo ego death doing Kundalini Yoga just 15 minutes ago

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First of all, love to everybody.

Second, my apologies to the universe for thinking in the past that Yoga was "hyped" and the stuff is too distracting/complex to actually focus on the present moment/empty mind. Today I got my ass kicked by "Everythiness".

To anyone wondering "how serious Yoga can get" remember this post. I have done some psychedelics in the past, and I was wondering what "ego death" meant when people talked about it. I got spiritual spiritual experiences of them, "loss of self" (of so I thought). But nothing as direct and brutal as what happened today in my yoga blanket. (please note that I haven´t done big doses of psychs and much of the times the intention wasn´t spiritual so that could explain it, so I´m not saying psychedelics aren´t strong as fuck, which they are, and of course in ratio of probabilty much,much more probable you´ll get a experience of this on a drug if you want to bet) But just saying, Yoga is nooot bullshit 9_9

Anyway, there´s nothing much to say. I´m just thrilled that just 15 minutes ago I became consciouss of something bigger than me which, actually, is not separated a single mm from me. 



Also, from today I will respect doing psychedelics in the future with more careful. About 3 minutes before "escaping" from the experience (so I calculate that the actual "getting into real ego death" lasted actually 3 minutes), I got a heart pounding like crazy. I guess that meant that ego (me) was scared. Not really sure since thoughts were there but there wasn´t anyone there to "reclaim" them. Emotions was just body sensations that also couldn´t be correctly identified. But since I (this is I is ego) got up from the blanket to get to the "self again"( this is god ), I feel there was fear in there. If it had happened taking a psychedelic, well, you can´t escape that moment so easily i think (which is actually the bad thing about "sober techniques")


Edited by Javfly33

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What exercise did you do when it happend? How long do you yoga already? 

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

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Good job ;)

Kundalini and Kriya Yoga are effective af.

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59 minutes ago, OBEler said:

What exercise did you do when it happend? How long do you yoga already? 

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

I was already in the "relaxation" phase. I think the mix between totally relaxing and letting go of the body, and the empty mind that I got after doing the previous exercises, is why everything exploded so easily. I wasn't expecting at all lol!

The serie/asanas I did was a "Sat Krista" series, which consisted of doing 1 Sat Kriya, doing 3 minutes of relaxation, and then 4x repetitions of alternating 3 minutes of Sat Kriya with Malasana, without RELAXATION (Sat Kriya is tremendously exhausting stressing + Malasana charges up your legs so much, that if you maintain humility during the exercises then there is this acceptance/energy building up that gets very intense and that is why I think also it happened to me during this particular series)

I don't know why but I always thought Sat Kriya exercise to be such a total mindfuvk and stressful exercise than I knew there was something powerful about this Kriya lol. Although it could have been all the work I've done previously tbh ) is all the same thing anyways.

I haven't done a very regular practice with yoga. Started 1 Year ago but I have been veeey irregular and it was just 5 days ago that I started doing each day, and doing it very serious. But, I have been doing lot of self-inquiry this last year, having some "breakthroughs" and doing a lot of acceptance of present moment. 

It all builds up and it's interconnected, so you don't have to worry about maybe quitting meditation for some time if you are still putting the work on just who the hell you are or you are passionate about discovering what is this reality and use proved tools to try discover it.


For me since I have been watching so much my "I", a tremendous curiosity arised me about who is this that is talking, about self control etc. 

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