
I am not the one who is moving my fingers

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I sat to contemplate today and I tried to become conscious of my hands and fingers. I could feel my fingers but could not detect the source of that consciousness. 

Then I moved my fingers but funnily I came to realise that I am not controlling my hands,figures or my thoughts. 

Here comes the paradox- I neither exist nor do I not exist. 


Please comment and my realisation in wrong then please correct me. Thanks!

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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It is just a conceptual realization though, not direct experience.

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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5 minutes ago, Anirban657 said:

I neither exist nor do I not exist. 


that is correct


in a way. everything exists and it does not exist

both existence and non-existence is true from certain perspective


so each living breathing moment is a "paradox" in that it exists and doesn't :)

and that is life. a paradox

Love Is The Answer

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17 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

that is correct


in a way. everything exists and it does not exist

both existence and non-existence is true from certain perspective


so each living breathing moment is a "paradox" in that it exists and doesn't :)

and that is life. a paradox

@SoonHeiGreat! Thank you! I have more to realize. Direct experience is king!

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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Yes and no. The "I" who you think you are is not responsible for anything. The "I" that you are is responsible for everything. 

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I watched some a 5-hour lecture on the holographic universe theory a few years ago and there's a study in there from the UK that ran tests which came out showing that before the subject made up his mind they could tell which option on the test he would choose up to 6 seconds before he carried out the determining action.

So essentially I guess from this example you could see this as being tricked into thinking that we are thinking our own thoughts.

"There have been some studies that have shown that when people are beginning to move a hand, or beginning to say something, that there's actually activity in the brain - in certain nerve cells of the brain - even before they become consciously aware of what they were trying to do."


I mean it could just be that our brains are slower than we think but it's interesting none the less and falls into the concepts discussed here.


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4 hours ago, Anirban657 said:

It is just a conceptual realization though, not direct experience.

That's not good enough. It doesn't count unless it's direct experience.

Also, you ARE the one moving the fingers. Who else is there but YOU? You are all there is! You are the entire universe moving those fingers. The only problem is that you've confused yourself with being limited to a human body/mind. Start thinking of yourself as the entire universe. That will help a bit to give you proper perspective. But merely thinking you are the universe is still not enough. You must directly experience that it is so. This requires awakening. The boundary between self and word must collapse.

Be careful not to just believe me. Belief is the enemy here, even if it's positive belief or belief in nonduality. True nonduality is not a belief.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Also, you ARE the one moving the fingers. Who else is there but YOU?

No-one, not even me. There's just "moving fingers" and it's freaky.

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@Girzo That's you! You as emptiness.

There is nothing in the universe but you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Girzo said:

No-one, not even me. There's just "moving fingers" and it's freaky.

One (me) is an illusion when compared to many (other).

But One (God) is the truth when compared to Nothing.

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@Truth Addict There's no difference between God and Nothingness, so there's no comparison. That's stating a fact. xD

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27 minutes ago, Girzo said:

@Truth Addict There's no difference between God and Nothingness, so there's no comparison. That's stating a fact. xD

Yeah, that's exactly the point, (see my avatar).

There's nothing but God.

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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's not good enough. It doesn't count unless it's direct experience.

Also, you ARE the one moving the fingers. Who else is there but YOU? You are all there is! You are the entire universe moving those fingers. The only problem is that you've confused yourself with being limited to a human body/mind. Start thinking of yourself as the entire universe. That will help a bit to give you proper perspective. But merely thinking you are the universe is still not enough. You must directly experience that it is so. This requires awakening. The boundary between self and word must collapse.

Be careful not to just believe me. Belief is the enemy here, even if it's positive belief or belief in nonduality. True nonduality is not a belief.

@Leo Gura Yes I have heard from you about direct experience. But what is this direct experience? Is this some feeling or some psychedelic vision? I have recently started daily self-inquiry practice and all I understand is that all my life I have been thinking that I was some thing. But the books say that I am Nothing, the Great Void,God,Universe. What is this direct experience that you and everyone is talking about? 

I have started 30 minutes daily and I plan to make it 60 minutes soon.

And whenever I sit to self-inquiry I struggle to stay mindful because the no-thing that I am trying to be mindful of is the no-thing that I am searching. I think it will take time. 

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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