
Second Vipassana Report

52 posts in this topic

@MsNobody you really are a genius when it comes to running away from honesty and truth, I'll give you that. Unfortunatelly, that's your biggest curse if you wish to grow someday.

4 hours ago, MsNobody said:

if I was like one of the women from the pictures you sent I would not be able to be happy because it wouldn't feel authentic, and I value authenticity a lot. 

Where did you get the idea that I'm telling you how you should express yourself? I used those pictures as an example to make a point that feminine is not about what you wear or what body parts you have it's about your inner quality. I even showed you a video that boys can be absolutely feminine as a proof that feminine has nothing to do with nudity or gender.

In no way I was trying to impose on you how you should look or express yourself.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Look everyone. Another thread derailed by a forum preacher

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It's like someone drinks a poisinous water, someone comes and says hey don't drink that it's poisinous. What? Are you against my sacred water? How dare you say my sacred water is poisinous? Are you some kind of nondual warrior? You think you're superior then everybody? You're so arrogant how can you call my water poisinous.. :D

Well... There was no intention of me to attack anyone, nor I'm against anything, nor I'm a warrior. I did what everybody who has a little bit of sense would do. If you saw someone drinking poison wouldn't you tell him? Well that's what i did and i gave a bullet proof explanation as to why and how in what you do is naither devine nor feminine because devine is not of the body and feminine is not of the body. If you chose to delude yourself it's really a shame..

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus She shared an experience that was very positive for her. She shared her art, which for a lot of peeps is a very vulnerable thing to do. From what I gathered she never said the divine feminine was about the female form only, just an aspect. Are you here to tell her that her view of the feminine is wrong and your views on it are correct? That is you projecting your insecurities in this thread. The female body obviously makes you uncomfortable, and looking at our culture that is perfectly understandable, but you would do well to investigate where all this comes from.

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1 hour ago, Esoteric said:

Are you here to tell her that her view of the feminine is wrong and your views on it are correct?

Well you don't have to take everything I say for granted but it is a solid proof explanations, you can't deny that. You're welcome to try if you want.

An excuse like: oh you're too analitical, you're too conceptual, you're trying to be masculine and be logical. I dont like that, I'm feminine i don't use brains i just do impulsive things i don't care what i do. I like freedom, and love, it doesn't matter if your explaination about water being poisinous is right and makes sense, i'm feminine I'm spontenious and do whatever pops into my mind. #FreeExpression

How can you beat this kind of logic? Whatever I say makes no difference.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@MsNobody B| ae... Nah lols... 

You inspired me though. Got a forearm piece that I wanna cover up. I might blend Maori with Surreal Horror.

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8 hours ago, Salvijus said:

You also. Unless you're enlightened. Are you sex harmones are not influincing your experience? Are you saying if you went into a a strip club for 24h and all the fantazies would be giggling in front of you, you would remain absolutely untouched by it, absolutely uneffected and equanimous withouth a single sex craving? Don't kid yourself.... You're just like every other man unless you're a sage. Only a sage can really see reality uneffected not distorted by his animal nature. Of course different levels of consciousness has different ability to see the essence and ignore the surface. But still being naked and wanting to express the quality of feminine.... Huge fail... 95% people will completly miss the essence and see only then surface then pretend that what they feel is feminine art beauty when in fact all that they feel is just arousal. Or like most poeple 10%beauty, 90% arousal. It can depend on your level of consciousness.

Don't kid yourself that you're beyond those things...


There is a realm of masculine and feminine dynamics you are not in tune with and do not seem open to. Ime, social conditioning plays a big role. Deconstructing that as an unattached observer is key, ime.

To a mind who has not done that, it would certainly appear that the other is kidding themself - since that mind is still perceiving through a filter. In doing so, you miss out on another realm of perception and experience. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just limited and contracted. A mind-body would need  to be curious, open and desire to explore. 

It is as if one is saying Lithuania is all there is. I’m trying to point to you that Lithuania is within something larger - Europe. If one holds on to beliefs that one cannot explore outside of Lithuania unless they are some type of sage, that will keep them contracted within Lithuania. One will not be able to explore beyond. And one doesn’t need to be a sage to explore beyond limiting, conditioned beliefs. That itself is another limiting belief. . . . One simply needs to observe and deconstruct those beliefs. It’s like clearing old things out of a closet - it allows space and openness for new things to be revealed and experienced. That is one of the greatest joys in life. 

The first stage is clearing out and creating space. Then, exploring. Then discovering (mainly through direct experience). Then integrating, then embodiment. 

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

It is as if one is saying Lithuania is all there is. I’m trying to point to you that Lithuania is within something larger - Europe.

Haha lol :D

Nvm.. whatever I sayed I take it all back. I sayed things i shouldn't have and i did act inappropriate. Got cought up in a heat :D I'm sorry. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Nvm.. whatever I sayed I take it all back. I sayed things i shouldn't have and i did act inappropriate. Got cought up in a heat :D I'm sorry. 

Your answer surprised me. It's amazing how much sincerity and light-heartedness is in this one post. 
I learned something from you today. Thank you! :) 

Edited by Barna

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@MsNobody “my brain works like hyperlinks on a wikipedia page”

I literally broke out laughing cause that is THE most accurate metaphor for what it’s like . I’ve never heard a more accurate metaphor for the way I think. 


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@MsNobody Would you microdose LSD on a vipassana retreat again, or do you consider this experiment over?

Nice drawings. I especially like your sketchy figures and the yin-yang skulls. The vagina brain was cool and funny, what an image! 

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@kieranperez Uhhhh I love love love this!! Exactly what I said, it seems to be acquired too, we are in the information era, our brains are just adapting to the changes, it's not a deficit of attention, it's a hyper attention :) 

@outlandish I think I would but maybe on the last days. 

Thank you xD the skulls are inspired in a drawing from Alex Grey

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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