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Bernardo Carleial

The possible obstacles of psychedelics in modern day society

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Hi guys! Good evening. I was watching a very interesting interview in which the guest basically explains the possible obstacles of psychedelics drugs if it becomes integrated in our society. In his view were two things: 

1. Big oranges companies spreading it like candy. With no concerned with the embodiment of the experience.

2. The new generation of orange/green millennials. Who might been using for entertainment purposes.

I would like to know you guys opinions. I've had very few experiences with psychedelics. So it would be a nice oportunity for all of us to learn more about this topic.??


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The bigger problem right now is that psychedelics are illegal in most regions. There has been war on psychedelics.

I'd like to plug a shot of 5-MeO-DMT up my ass someday.

Edited by CreamCat

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