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Stuck in fight or flight

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I’m in the process of seeing medical professionals but I’d like to get an opinion here as well. I went through a very stressful loss years ago where I cried for a few days straight and the overwhelming stress seemed to cause some lingering effects. Too much cortisol could have damaged my brain and left behind chemicals in the body which seems to be causing brain fog years later. It’s almost like a mild form of PTSD that causes my brain to go into fight or flight sometimes during social situations and even just randomly. I’ve made a lot of progress over the last year from doing mediation yoga hologropic breathwork and psychedelics. 


Can you reverse the damage from stress?  I’m getting an MRI scan to understand this better because I  might have only suffered emotional damage and didn’t create a chemical imbalance. I had a pretty emotional trip on lsd the other day and I don’t know if that’s a good thing and I should do it again. MDMA and lsd are known to treat PTSD but one always makes me feel good the other can sometimes be emotional. I wonder if I heal more from suffering through an emotional lsd trip than just feeling good on mdma. Maybe a high dose of 5 meo would be best to purge as much crap as possible. This is probably one of those things I’ll have to keep testing to find out what works for me. What used to be really bad has gotten a lot better over the last year so I must be doing something right. 


If anyone can chime in on any of these questions or recommend a supplement to correct chemical imbalances in the brain/body I’d greatly appreciate it! 

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Have you tried taking a look at your diet? There are diets that focus on healing your body from stress and damage to the body related to stress. I would focus on that before trying to take psychedelics, or any drug for this issue. Also supplements will only be useful if you have a proper diet backing them up.  

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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