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What is embodiment?

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We talk a lot about embodying our mystical experiences, embodying psychedelics...

What does embodiment mean to you?

What does an 'embodied person' look like?

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It's the difference between theory and practice.

If you practice what you preach, then that's embodiment.

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@Truth Addict Cool perspective.

According to him, embodiment is the person being erased. Being colonized by awakeness.

From this perspective, the only thing we have to do to embody our awakenings is to not stand in the way. Be willing to stay with the awakening even though it eats us alive :)

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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The definition that I gave was general.

You meant specific type of embodiment, which is the spiritual embodiment.

My definition works, I guess, but it had to be more nuanced.

Spiritual embodiment is applying the insights we have about reality in our everyday lives, whatever that means.

I don't think there's someone who is 100% embodied, or that there could ever be, because we're always learning new insights.

In fact, when someone thinks or says that they are fully enlightened or embodied, you can rest sure that they are not, and that they are deluding themselves and others.

Arriving at a final destination is a trap, there's only the trip.


Edited by Truth Addict

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"Revisiting past breakthroughs is a way to reassert within your experience the real nature of what is being said, shifting it once again from abstract concept to what's really being true."

- The Book of Not Knowing, Peter Ralston

To me, this quote seems to be a how-to on embodiment.

Let's say we become suddenly become conscious of impermanence.  We see that all is being born, all is dying in this split second. This experience opened up the doors to this truth for us, now our job is to go back again and again, until it becomes something we are conscious of basically constantly. Yes?

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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