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Miles Maker

Do personal values increase or decrease in quality as they encompass more?

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As I'm going through values pass #8, I realize that two of my values seem to be halves of the same whole. My question to those of you who have gone through this process: are personal values of higher quality (more useful/applicable) when they have a broader focus or narrower focus? (i.e. should I collapse these two values into one?) For reference, here are the two values I'm referring to and what it looks like to be a 10/10 on each:


Exploration (10/10):

I mindfully consume three books, two movies, two seasons of television, and three new meals every month. I listen to three new albums every week. I travel to three new places every year. Every place I travel I bring three friends with me. Get out of my comfort zone every single day (do something uncomfortable socially, mentally, or physically; I make explicit asks of others that may seem ridiculous.)

Understanding (10/10:

Every time I eat something new, consume some new media (books, tv, movies, art), go someplace new, or experience something new, I take notes (AV, or written) and evaluate what is effective and ineffective so I can incorporate the good aspects into my own work. I am totally open minded and never turn something away based on assumptions. I document everything that I learn and develop, through the use of many mediums, a map of everything I learn and the interconnectedness of all my knowledge in a way that others can learn from. I read the manual for every essential tool I use, and write a review of it. I read, review, and notate one technical book every three months (music theory, programming, etc.). I take and/or develop one course every six months. I document everything that I learn through experience or study. I keep a log/journal/documentation to contemplate and philosophize on a weekly basis. I have high-level knowledge of myself (my psychology), music/audio, math, science, engineering, and design.

Addition for clarity sake: The "whole" that I feel these two values is either "life-long learning" or "consciousness."


Edited by Miles Maker

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