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Tom T

Dose anyone know any good books or documentary etc on how the astral world works?

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My recent nn-Dmt trips have lead me to wanting to research the astral world. Dose anyone know a good book or documentary etc which explains the 5d astral world and how its right in front of us but we can't see it normally etc? I have been searching for books about the astral realm but they all seem to just explain how to astral project instead of describing the astral world it's self. Any suggestion would be muchly appreciated  :) 

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And also dose anyone know any good books on parallel universe to?

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@Tom T See my book list, Paranormal section.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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yess I have done but I didn't think they explained how the astral realm worked I thought the ones on astral projection were of people just describing their experiences but not actually talking about how the astral realm works it self. iv had a second look tho and I think I know which one to get !!! thanks man :) 


Edited by Tom T

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@Leo Gura Ooooh I just seen a big thread on the forum, Happpppy birthday man I hope you've had a nice day and I hope you have a nice evening  blissing out in infinite consciousness later on man :) you are truely awesome !!!

Edited by Tom T

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Oh man! check out

Journeys Out Of the Body by Robert Monroe

its like the bible of astral projection

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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