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Giulio Bevilacqua


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Hi everyone . 

After several days of hard introspection , where i have experienced deep spaciousness and emptiness inside me , i find myself in these days with a lot of thoughts attacks and strong emotions . The thoughts are like a machine gun but i still can remain the observer but sometimes i get caught in .

I was wondering if this emotion and thought stuff is something normal after days of introspection or am i doing something wrong ? i'm i trying to hard ? Or is it a sing of progress where a lot of trash is coming on the surface ?  

It's really frustrating and confusing . 

Have you expericend someting similar ? 

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It seems to me like an ego backlash, stay present, it's totally normal.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Giulio Bevilacqua I get this also you have to let your self feel the feelings and allow them to work their proccess of cleansing the mind from toxicity. You are seperate from mind so don't be too attached to negative emotions. 

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@Giulio Bevilacqua If you have strong trapped emotions in there, that needs to be addressed to must fully feel it. Use music to really get to the vibrational depths of the emotion. FEEL IT. There is beauty to every emotion.

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25 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

@Giulio Bevilacqua If you have strong trapped emotions in there, that needs to be addressed to must fully feel it. Use music to really get to the vibrational depths of the emotion. FEEL IT. There is beauty to every emotion.

Sounds good :)

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3 hours ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

i'm i trying to hard ?

Most likely, yes. You're probably practicing too rigidly and with too much intensity. 

My advice would be to take a break, and preferably do something fun like hanging out with a friend. 

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@Giulio Bevilacqua Ya. It’s organic & natural, let it out. I second use of music. The right tunes can push release buttons. Also, if you have speakers, sit comfy and do whatever while you play a few hours of healing sound bowl videos on youtube.  Don’t use earbuds though, use speakers, for the sound waves. Also, there are some binaural beat videos (use earbuds) which help ‘pull out the demons’. Godspeed ?? It’s all totally worthwhile. 



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@Giulio Bevilacqua Thoughts ate wonderful to observe and work through attachment and identification. There is no better way than with thoughts. 

One thing I find helpful is to mediate by my bird feeders. I can observe that thought impulses are like bird chirp impulses. Yet there is attachment and identification to thoughts, not bird chirps. It’s fascinating to observe that dynamic. After a while, thoughts become like bird chirps. If I don’t get attached or identified, they are no problem. Then they usually simmer down. Yet stopping thoughts isn’t a goal for me, that would just make it worse. When the arise, I am given the opportunity to learn and observe attachment/identification. There is no better tool for this than thinking. 

Another thing I do us observe the silent gaps between thoughts. Sometimes the gaps ate small, yet they often lengthen when I put my attention on them.

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