Alex bAlex

How do you organize yourself

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I keep having a bunch of ideas of how should I proceed with learning, reading, writing, etc. But when I get down to it I noticed how unorganized my life is. From a music Playlist to my journal and one note or the books on my shelf everything seems to be a mess. And then this becomes a distraction in itself because now I have to arrange things ??

How do you learn to organize yourself. I pretty much keep myself a minimalist style. The problem is that the moment after I arranged my clothes or books and I pick something up from the "pile" everything gets back to square one. 


Are there any books to look into? Any suggestions would be greatly helpful. 


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That mess and unorganized things are just a manifestation of your inner situation. 

If you make yourself very organized and harmonious and balanced inside you'll become very clean everywhere outside naturally.

For this i recommend Yoga. (real yoga of course)

When i used to be depressed and suicidal i was extremely messy. My room was a mess. My relationships were a mess, I wouldn't shower for days or weeks. Once I started working on it with Yoga my inner situation became harmonious, i became very clean, cold showers twice a day, rooms are always clean, i even clean other people's or my family members mess now. Not by any force or intention. Simply out of your own inner situation. My diet became very clean, i stopped eating meat and all the junk food etc.

That's one benefit that I found in Yoga that other techneques don't have. Other techneques like self-enquiry and vippassana have great benefits as well but they didn't give that harmony inside for me. They are great things for raising consciousness and dissolving karma and i think eventually it leads to harmony at some point. But Yoga has very direct effect on this. (Real Yoga of course)

Kriya works as well. Idk about the kriya that people do from books but sadhguru's kriya works well for this. That's why they call it Inner Engineering, to engineer your inner situation into harmony. :)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Alex bAlex  Start from the mandatory things, that you have to do. (sleep, school/work, food maybe, if you organize that)

For example, I know, that I sleep everyday from 10 pm to 6 am. So I need to stop doing everything at 9 pm and go practice zazen and yoga. I also practice from 6 to 7 in the morning. Then I go to school. After school, I have some hobbies like art, scouting, English... so I do that and after I do all that, I go to the gym every second day. I am managing to do all this without a diary, where I would write all the important terms and stuff, but I highly recommend it :) 

Also you need to do the practices, seriously, because they clean you up and you cannot really fake high-consciousness behavior.

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Just learn to think of things in very small steps. A lot of people get overwhelmed because they get very strong visions of all of their dreams, without planning it out. Just ask, "What's the next small step to do?" And if you can do it after counting 5 seconds, you'll manage to get it. The more specific your vision is, the more likely you'll do it.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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10 hours ago, Salvijus said:

When i used to be depressed and suicidal i was extremely messy. My room was a mess. My relationships were a mess, I wouldn't shower for days or weeks

This resonates with me. I find out that I lose the ability to set up goals. Whenever I had a holiday, or time off work, instead of maximising the potential of it, I was just, "meahhh,,, nothing to rush or to do today". And this builds up in a downward spiral making me sleeping all day. 

The work schedule is the biggest problem at the moment as I am working nights shifts with different start/finish times each week so I can't create a consistent pattern. I am doing 1 hour of meditation including Kriya (J.C. Stevens), run 5-20 km almost daily followed by cold showers and healthy plant-based cooking. The problem arises when I have free time and after I wake up I just postpone those habits till the end of the day sometimes. It's a motivational problem? Do I lose the big picture? 


I will attend a vipassana retreat in May and after it, I will have to change this job and re-plan all my life. 

10 hours ago, Salvijus said:

But Yoga has very direct effect on this. (Real Yoga of course)

Could you tell me which type of "real yoga" or where to find it? And I guess to accommodate it I have to cut off some running. Do you do it daily? 

Thank you all! 

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5 hours ago, Alex bAlex said:

I just postpone those habits till the end of the day sometimes. It's a motivational problem? Do I lose the big picture? 

I think you're right. My guess would also be lack of vision and incentive to pursue your goals.

5 hours ago, Alex bAlex said:

I will attend a vipassana retreat in May and after it, I will have to change this job and re-plan all my life. 

Nice :) vippassana is really good for this kind of thing. To start new things etc.

5 hours ago, Alex bAlex said:

Could you tell me which type of "real yoga" or where to find it? And I guess to accommodate it I have to cut off some running. Do you do it daily? 

Lol :D what i meant was yoga that is delivered in a proper way. 

You will understand what a proper delivery of practice means once you go through vippassana. You'll see it's impossible to do vippassana without attentending the retreat.. It's just not alive in you. You'll see. It will be very obvious after you finish the retreat.

With Yoga it's even more important to have a proper delivery because it's much more subtle technology. Sadhguru says only a yogi can deliver yoga. So that what I meant by real yoga. Yoga that you learn from a real yogi, not a book or a video or some studio yoga instructor. Only then will it have the impact on you that I'm talking about. It's very very different.

There're some legit yogis who teach proper yoga to people but it's hard to access them unless you live in India or smth. But if you live in Europe or US your best chance is sadhguru probably. He's all over Europe and US and everywhere else. There're many programs happening every month by trained Isha hatha Yoga teachers.


Yes I do everyday, sometimes twice a day :)

Good thing about Yoga is that all the benefits that you get from doing it are very motivating. The more you do it, the more you want to do it more and more :D So that's good. You don't have to grind through it every time. Those 2h+ everyday are my favorite part of the day actually. It's a very satisfying proccess of growth and spirituality with many benefits to keep you motivated. It always leaves me with great enthusiasm for life. 

"Life on full-throttle, that's my blessing for you" #sadhguru 

He's not lying :D

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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16 hours ago, Alex bAlex said:


I keep having a bunch of ideas of how should I proceed with learning, reading, writing, etc. But when I get down to it I noticed how unorganized my life is. From a music Playlist to my journal and one note or the books on my shelf everything seems to be a mess. And then this becomes a distraction in itself because now I have to arrange things ??

How do you learn to organize yourself. I pretty much keep myself a minimalist style. The problem is that the moment after I arranged my clothes or books and I pick something up from the "pile" everything gets back to square one. 


Are there any books to look into? Any suggestions would be greatly helpful. 



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17 hours ago, Salvijus said:

That mess and unorganized things are just a manifestation of your inner situation. 

If you make yourself very organized and harmonious and balanced inside you'll become very clean everywhere outside naturally.

For this i recommend Yoga. (real yoga of course)

When i used to be depressed and suicidal i was extremely messy. My room was a mess. My relationships were a mess, I wouldn't shower for days or weeks. Once I started working on it with Yoga my inner situation became harmonious, i became very clean, cold showers twice a day, rooms are always clean, i even clean other people's or my family members mess now. Not by any force or intention. Simply out of your own inner situation. My diet became very clean, i stopped eating meat and all the junk food etc.

That's one benefit that I found in Yoga that other techneques don't have. Other techneques like self-enquiry and vippassana have great benefits as well but they didn't give that harmony inside for me. They are great things for raising consciousness and dissolving karma and i think eventually it leads to harmony at some point. But Yoga has very direct effect on this. (Real Yoga of course)

Kriya works as well. Idk about the kriya that people do from books but sadhguru's kriya works well for this. That's why they call it Inner Engineering, to engineer your inner situation into harmony. :)

Oh. Crap. xD I've been wondering about this a lot lately. 

I have the chicken and the egg problem. My life is too much of a mess for me to meditate and do yoga, and my mind is too much of a mess to clean. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Sahil Pandit Yes it was one of my absolute favorites. I made huge strides to minimize my possessions, I did the konmari method. I've focused almost exclusively on spirituality for the past month and my life has pretty much exploded around me. xD

I'll watch it again though. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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