
400 days of meditation

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And I've finally reached 400 days of meditation(which i have done every single day, without skipping one). Now, even though I have not had huge benefits, i have actually realised that meditation brings subtle benefits. For example, I feel like I am more present in the moment(i.e. I feel like I can recognise an emotion or thing that is happening although I still feel like I have not mastered emotions.) I also sometimes get rare insights(not in relation to awakening) about certain things in my life. I have definitely benefited from meditation. Along with meditation, I have started doing tai chi for 10 minutes and I've also started to workout. Hopefully I will be able to see even more benefits in the future. What are your thoughts on meditation? I am currently meditating 50 minutes a day. Is there a difference in a meditation session that lasts 50 minutes and one that lasts 90 minutes?



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There is difference in how you do mediation, exercise is one word, but it can mean many different things. 

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Sounds good.

"I feel like I can recognise an emotion or thing that is happening although I still feel like I have not mastered emotions." 

This one is very very good benefit. The more you raise your awareness like that the more insights you will get.

This kind of meditation can make you very smart. Not book smart but perception smart. It's when you see a situation or a person and you see exacly why he acts the way he acts, or why he feels the way he feels etc. This meditation that you do produces great mental clarity and wisdom about life. 

I heard one master called this "knowing without studying" simply a clear perception of  what is what. That's my favorite benefit of meditation :)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Ali123 its like anything else..the more consistent you are with your mediation the better...consistency is key.  Longer is better because yes...but consistency is more valuable.

The fact that you are doing almost an hr a day is fantastic.

What techniques are you practicing? For example the Do Nothing No mind seems t9lo be extremely effective for me.

It really opens your chakras.  The key is you want to open yourself up so you can start to feel energy moving throughout your body.  That will one day lead to something happening.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Ali123 Excellent work man! There are infinite differences, even in the nothing that is meditation. Google things like meditation instructions, and try out what different people suggest. Or keep doing what’s working for you. Or both. I think my longest sits were around six hours at a time, and yes, big big differences. Both in depth and permanence.



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14 hours ago, Ali123 said:

And I've finally reached 400 days of meditation(which i have done every single day, without skipping one). Now, even though I have not had huge benefits, i have actually realised that meditation brings subtle benefits. For example, I feel like I am more present in the moment(i.e. I feel like I can recognise an emotion or thing that is happening although I still feel like I have not mastered emotions.) I also sometimes get rare insights(not in relation to awakening) about certain things in my life. I have definitely benefited from meditation. Along with meditation, I have started doing tai chi for 10 minutes and I've also started to workout. Hopefully I will be able to see even more benefits in the future. What are your thoughts on meditation? I am currently meditating 50 minutes a day. Is there a difference in a meditation session that lasts 50 minutes and one that lasts 90 minutes?



I do 8+h a day, and is like tripping everyday without. In my opinion, don't even bother with 1h a day, this is a way of life or not.

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Not to discourage you or something, you are doing a great job, but two hours a day is a minimum (it can be 2x 1-hour sitting).

Otherwise, you will be saying: "I have not had huge benefits, I have actually realized that meditation brings subtle benefits." for years.

You are ready to make that jump. If you are worried: "Oh, but I don't have time for that, when will I sleep?", then stop worrying. Your sleep quota will go down, maybe around an hour after a month of two-hours-a-day practice.

And if you could fit one or two 7 day retreats throughout the year, that would be ideal. They really foster your growth. 

The sky is the limit, you can do it.

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