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Transcending Dualities worsening your life

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This is about the practical application and how transcending certain dualities can make your life worse.

What about the dualities like beatiful/ugly or normal/crazy,  politically correct/politically incorrect.

So you transcend these and now everything is beatiful and you stop caring about how you look. Or you are just going to make racist jokes because the duality of political incorrectness doesnt apply to you.


The problem is these dualities are in the heads of everyone else and behaving like this can make you an outsider of society or cost you your job. What if you were born "ugly" and you transcend it and dont think of yourself as ugly anymore. People will continue to put you into the ugly categories and it will have tremendous impact on the quality of your life. 


There is just no escaping it, you will have to pretend to care about these dualities so you get put into the right categories. How can you really 100% stop caring what people think of you as long as you want to live in a society.


This is how this stuff is somehow not practical. You watch these (absolutely amazing) videos but then you go out the same night and stand in front of the mirror to make yourself look presentable to other people. 

Edited by MM1988

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A lot of people seem to think transcending something means to get rid of it. The great paradox is these dualities are still there and just as valid. You just are not restricted to it by rising above. 

Not caring what other people think doesn't mean to not strategically plan to reach your goals. 

And transcending these dualities do not mean to disregard the feelings of others. Their feelings are yours. 

I don't think you  quite get what transcending these dualities actually mean. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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It does not matter in what you believe, it is practical to know that if you will do certain things , certain things will happen. 

Duality, non-duality is just like chasing perfect perspective in infinity, you might have knowledge of "deeper" perspectives, but it will not change fact that there are people who live their life by "lower" perspective, but again as I said, it is like chasing something that is just something in infinity.  


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You are not making the distinction between egoic and trans-egoic. 

From the perspective of the ego, there is egoic love and egoic hate. There is egoic beauty and egoic ugliness. There is egoic bliss and egoic pain. There is egoic peace and egoic suffering. From the perspective of the ego, it wants to get rid of the egoic hate, ugliness, pain and suffering and keep egoic love, beauty, bliss and peace. This is the obsession of the ego and the cause of great suffering.

Transcending the ego means it all dissolves: egoic love, hate, beauty, ugliness, bliss, pain, suffering and peace. All of the ego-based interpretations are transcended and dissolve. At a trans-egoic state there may arise transcendental forms of Love, Beauty, Bliss and Peace - yet these are distinct from egoic self-need based versions. 

If one transcends the ego, there is no "you" to be ugly anymore. The mind-body is whole and complete - whether or not anyone thinks the body is beautiful or ugly. The mind-body will not desire to make racist jokes because it can do whatever it wants. The is no "you" vs "me". You are missing the transcendental aspect of this. This is why direct experience is so important. A mind-body can intellectualize transcending itself, yet that aint it. Not even close. The emodiment comes with direct experience.

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When you realize that you are just playing a part in a story, you're able to go about pretending as if there's you and other characters, but you know deep down that it's not real. You just have to learn to be a good actor, that's all. 

You can be anyone you want to be. You're writing the play as you act it out. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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The systems of the cosmos made everyone the way they are, its not their fault that they COULD be judging you. Really what you think they are thinking is still you thinking, its just you making up stories. Worrying about someone judging you is you judging them that they are judging you, so who is really creating the judgement here? :D 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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@MM1988 You are absolutely right.  We live in a world of duality.  We also live in a culture that is hundreds of years away from the entire society transcending duality.

If everyone trandcended you would not be saying what you are saying or looking in the mirror.

You are a product of your culture as am I.

But notice this doesnt stop you from just takes a ton more strength because you are going against the norm and that's going to alienate you.

I'm not saying you have to live in a cave but there will be many who do not understand you and for that they will criticize you.

This will take deep inner strength and deep inner wisdom but it can be done.  Do not give up hope.   Jesus was put up on a cross and tortured to death but this did not stop him.

As far as your job...yes this is a tricky one.  If you have a really high paying job and yet its stuck in delusion but its not that easy to get out what do you do?

You live with Truth in silence until you can break away to something more authentic.  You stay True to yourself.   You plan and make moves..slow align yourself with Truth.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@MM1988 Before you go making such judgments as "this is impractical", you should spend some time actually contemplating and working with what was said. Don't pre-judge your results.

Nothing in the duality videos suggests you should stop brushing your hair or wiping your ass. It's much more nuanced than that.

It's going to take you lots of experience and contemplation to understand what was said in these duality videos.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura no i understand what he is saying..basically he is Galileo back in the 1600s and afraid to go against the grain. 

He's saying our culture is deluded so i should just give up and go along with it.

This path is not for the light of heart in today's times.  

But what he misses is that ...that does not mean that Truth is not Truth.

Just because the rest of the world is doing one thing that doesn't mean you should take the easy way out and do it too even if you know better.

But this takes deep wisdom and perhaps decades. 



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

He's saying our culture is deluded so i should just give up and go along with it.

Well, in that case, just realize that this entire work of developing oneself is all about transcending culture, realizing how toxic, deluded, and dysfunctional culture can be.

"Culture is not your friend." -- Terence McKenna ;)

At the same time, don't hate culture either. Just become aware of how limited, partial, and artificial it is.

There is no liberation or freedom without transcending one's culture.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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“Balance every thought with its opposition. Because the marriage of them is the destruction of illusion.”

― Aleister Crowley

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