
Enlightenment is NOT the cure all thing.

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Dont assume that enlightenment is the cure for all your problems, it can be the exact opposite in some cases. At a point in this journey i was realy fucking aware, so aware and so in the preasent that i started to stand out, realy mutch. And whereever i would come people would notice it, i dont know what they would think of me but they would notice that something is different about me. But at the same time, my relationships sucked realy hard. I was realy aware but at the same time had realy bad issues in me, rearding relationships and trust and everything that goes into it. Even believe now i used counciousness work as an escape from relationships. And this two things combined lead to realy terrible results, catastrofic. So to sommerise dont assume that enlightenment is the cure for everything, especialy relationships. I know Leo speaks about that in many of his videos, but i just wanted to give a concrete example, on how enlightenment can backfire if you dont have other things in check. In my case terrible relationships.

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Thats like saying that world champion in boxing can outbox his way to being good at singing

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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This is why you pair enlightenment work with personal development work. 

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True, but there IS some positive spill-over from consciousness work into other areas of life. So, it's not that black-and-white.

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@NoSelfSelf yep, exacly that. But there is this stigma that enlightenment is this otherwordly miracle, that cures you from all of your problems, and it is great, and it can help in many ways, but not all. That is a trap i fell into personaly

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@Girzo yep its not all bad, not even close, there is a bunch of positives, but its not a cure for everything. 

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Your definition of enlightenmemt is too shabby.

You underestimate what it's like to be a devine being. Literally god. Not just being in the present moment.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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That is not Enlightenment, that is Awakening. A simple stepping stone.

Once you stabilize all stepping stones, you embody true self/form in which is eternally present and pure. Nothing can ever penetrate your field anymore unless "you" choose or allow it in which is usually for greater "universal" purposes at hand.



Edited by pluto


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That's true, actually. But let's define enlightenment differently. It's not just meditation and stuff. Let's define it as a deep level of self awareness. From what I can sense, you're making some progress, but you're . . . you're just stuck because you don't really know what enlightenment is exactly. Self-awareness doesn't mean knowing everything about you, mostly because people change on a regular basis, and so new things have to be changed as you go on. That's why enlightenment doesn't tell you what stage you are in Spiral Dynamics. It's more of something that will help you get a boost in whatever stage you are to go higher.

To put it straight, self awareness is in being aware of what the most essential thing about you you need to change right now. Nothing more. Not less. The thing about enlightenment is that we stop all of the bullshit of having to deny it, distract ourselves from it, over-criticize, overwork, feel pain, shame, sadness, anger, fear and such rather than just really knowing what you need to do.

That's why you need both enlightenment and personal development together.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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16 hours ago, Wekz said:

Dont assume that enlightenment is the cure for all your problems, it can be the exact opposite in some cases. At a point in this journey i was realy fucking aware, so aware and so in the preasent that i started to stand out, realy mutch. And whereever i would come people would notice it, i dont know what they would think of me but they would notice that something is different about me. But at the same time, my relationships sucked realy hard. I was realy aware but at the same time had realy bad issues in me, rearding relationships and trust and everything that goes into it. Even believe now i used counciousness work as an escape from relationships. And this two things combined lead to realy terrible results, catastrofic. So to sommerise dont assume that enlightenment is the cure for everything, especialy relationships. I know Leo speaks about that in many of his videos, but i just wanted to give a concrete example, on how enlightenment can backfire if you dont have other things in check. In my case terrible relationships.

You will not have problems if you really awake. But if you are just awaken in the light side of the matter than problems will arise, you will attract too much attention. 

And yeah, don't expect to have great relationships with the zombies, it will never work.

But this is a good thing, pleasing people and trying to make relationship work with everyone is just a waste of time and energy. 


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