
question on nn-dmt

3 posts in this topic

Experiencing rapid shaking, could compare it to feeling-cold-shaking on the calm down. Anyone can relate? Is this normal?

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When you take psychedelics especially DMT your vibrational frequency speeds up to un-natural levels for such a short period of time thus its normal to experience these sensations, just breath and let it go as if you are the waves of the ocean merging into one.

In daily spiritual practice and meditation ect.. we slowly but gradually raise our frequency rather than take a psychedelic and experience high frequency without preparing for it thus we notice far more in such a short amount of time we can go in shock and react unconsciously.

They both have their place although psychedelics are not always needed but if paired with spiritual practice they can be truly amazing to those who resonate with them. On the other hand, psychedelics without spiritual grounding(shall we say) can delude you further and leave you out of sync with realities.

Spiritual Practice is key for stability/understanding.



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@pluto Thank you, sir. Yes indeed, I have noticed that if my practices are lazy for some time, I get this anxiety and overthinking prior to trip which ultimately lead to not so pleasant trips. Unable to let go of stuff. But that's all fine. Practices are the main pillar at this point for me.

Well, I sort of felt that shaking is normal, just wanted to confirm.

Love. ❤️

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