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Does Nonduality implys that...

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life is automatic and Being is just percieving whatever this body is doing without controling it, as if it was watching a movie and coudn't change the script? 

 (help me if doesn't make any sense)

I'm also noticing the paralels beetween the awake and lucid dream states relating to the way my mind fear to surrender and desire to control the situation, in the context of lucid dreaming, I don't get very far, I feel like I am not in control, that obviously scares the ego and ends the experience. In those lucid dreams, I get deeply involved to the surroudings, as if there is no "me", and everything is just rolling like a movie, and if I ever try to manipulate the dream (ego fear/ general thinking), it will end. Also,

is it legit to achieve nonduality through lucid dreaming? Or nonduality cannot exist within a dream

Edited by oMarcos

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@Nahm I am familiar with it, but I'm not seeing how it can answer my questions. Could you clarify that? And I am aware that the content of my doubts might be completely non sense and twisted, coming from someone completely self deluded and not following the basic steps of life as Maslow's suggests (which I am and I try to balance every aspect of it)... How can you even grow without silly doubts

Edited by oMarcos

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12 hours ago, oMarcos said:

life is automatic and Being is just percieving whatever this body is doing without controling it, as if it was watching a movie and coudn't change the script? 

 (help me if doesn't make any sense)

I'm also noticing the paralels beetween the awake and lucid dream states relating to the way my mind fear to surrender and desire to control the situation, in the context of lucid dreaming, I don't get very far, I feel like I am not in control, that obviously scares the ego and ends the experience. In those lucid dreams, I get deeply involved to the surroudings, as if there is no "me", and everything is just rolling like a movie, and if I ever try to manipulate the dream (ego fear/ general thinking), it will end. Also,

is it legit to achieve nonduality through lucid dreaming? Or nonduality cannot exist within a dream

The “script” is repetition of thinking. It only seems automatic. Without believing thoughts, they dissipate and cease, then there’s no “script” anymore. 

What if you writing the script spontaneously as you are acting out the seens?

It’s not so much wether you are in control or not, it’s more is that a separate self which could be controlling or not, and are there separate things which could be controlled or not.  Try to find the exact line between the dream state, the lucid dream state, and the daytime or ‘awake’ state. What you’ll find is the line is made only in thinking, and there is a repetition, a pattern of thought which is paper thin, but thick enough to veil by convincing there are such differences. The level of scrutiny required must surpass the level of “trickery” involved. Instinctually, we go to our thinking for this scrutiny. That is necessary, but will not take one ‘all the way there’. Trust comes into the puzzle down the road. 

“Is is legit to achieve nonduality through lucid dreaming? Or nonduality cannot exist within a dream?” That is a profoundly insightful question / observation. Take notice of the level of thinking / trickery involved in that the question about nondual realization is itself a foundation of distinction, or, duality. 

“If I ever try to manipulate the dream (ego fear / general thinking), it will end.)     That is a huge insight. One thought is enough to launch a narrative, which veils the Truth. 

“How can you even grow without silly doubts?”  That is a deeply wise observation. 

Starting to expect some pretty big realizations from you. :) 



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