
Lack of sympathy

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Hello. I've come to a realization for maybe a few days now that, "we" will all "die". "I" am not the body nor the brain or mind. There is no "me," there is no "you," "her," or "him". People that we think they are to be... are concepts.

With that said, I have been lacking a sense of sympathy as my sister would put it. My sister who I'd say has a huge ego (has told me about how she wants "herself" to still be alive after she (body) dies), told me yesterday that I lacked sympathy. I've always been the person that listens and is usually quiet and indifferent about things. I would only respond a lot towards a conversation with topics I care about. But these last few days, it's changed. There I was, listening to my sister, but in my head, I was just ignoring everything she was talking about in her life because I "knew" that it was all futile. I realize that I might seem like a pessimist or something but to "me" it feels more like I was understanding how reality is and doing what seems to be a "natural" reaction. The reaction as in: not really caring about what other "people" have to say thats, in a sense, "not of absolute importance". Or not caring about whatever thing happens in the world, whether it affects my "personal life" or not. I get these spikes of resistance that say that these things do matter but I soon realize that it's just the ego.

Soon after I had a conversation with my sister where I pretty much undermined everything she said, she told me how I was lacking sympathy. While she was expanding on what she meant and the consequences on my life it will cause, I was couldn't help but agree with her. I feel as if that as one grows more conscious or aware, I have a concept in my mind that one should be able to sympathize stronger with people and not just people, animals and etc... 

I guess what my agenda with this is to find out what the "right way" is to act when one is more conscious. But I get how egoic it sounds to want to get an answer to make itself seem and act more "conscious."

I agree with this concept in my mind that one might be more sympathetic when becoming more conscious. But at the same time, I find it difficult sympathizing with people because I understand they're concepts from my perspective but also from their perspective of themselves, they're also just concepts but not aware of it.

I hate to admit it or else what would have been the point to posting this? But, I already know that with some more meditation and insights, I will "solve" my "problems". It's always been a pattern where I meditate some more and my perspective starts to change.

I guess, in a non rude manner, I'm asking the more "hardcore" conscious people about how they sympathize or not with people and whatever is happening in the world.

Thank you.

Edited by Swagala

I got nothing.

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I remember when I was less conscious and what I felt and went through. It wasn't fun. Even though I am more conscious and have fixed a lot of issues, I still remember what I went through. This a long with realizing all is me and they don't know any better helps me understand what people are going through. 

Suffering isn't enjoyable for anybody and simply telling somebody they cause it to them doesn't fix it. 

When your goal is to help people you gotta find balance between the mind and heart. You have more mind right now. People feel things other than thoughts. Take in their own problems as your own. 

Notice your mind is centered around what you think and not how the other person is feeling. You also seem to avoid anything pertaining to the ego. The goal here isn't to annihilate the ego but to understand its mechanism so you can more consciously act with it. There is no ego per se its just a concept to help you understand your behaviors so you can change them. 

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Interesting mentions. In my personal experience lack of simpathy is lack of connection, better said is lack of giving and recieving energy in the heart space.

But there is a catch. Only those awaken can fully do this and little children also. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Swagala No words can teach better than suffering. Rather than pity, seek to understand, and once you do, you will realize the organic nature of compassion. 



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@Swagala spontaneously you act out of compassion love not sympathy.

When I was suffering an enlightened master sadhguru said it's all your minds imagination.

So what can you do about it when people suffer out of their own concepts and imaginations desires attachments likes dislikes.

You can probably tell some consoling words lies to pacify them knowing it is a lie.



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