Hello from Russia

Leo, what do you mean by Cause and Effect is a total illusion?

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In  my current perspective it's not illusionary and I find in my direct experience that understanding this concept is very useful tool for survival. 

For example, I can eat a healthy meal and feel good afterwards or I can eat a unhealthy meal and feel very bad afterwards. I can exercise consistently and reap benefits from this or I can negate it and my health will suffer from it. I can meditate everyday and be more "woke" on day-to-day basis or I can negate it altogether and see how I splurge into unconsious patterns.  I can go work hard on my money situation, do proper marketing and potentially get good results or I can do 0 marketing and negate business skills altogether and i'll have a good chance that nothing will happen and I'll find myself buying cheetos living in my mum's home just for the sake of symbolism and metaphorically giving credit to Leo.

I've never been as conscious of these Cause and Effect dynamics as I am now. It seems that your Actions have Consequeces  and it feels very real from the ego perspective. What you're doing today determines where you are and who you are in the day\week\year\5 years from now. 
I found contemplating it and being conscious of this very profound. But recently you said that this is an illusion without much elaboration and it got me confused.


@Leo Gura

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@Hello from Russia This is a very trick topic. Yes, for survival (illusion) cause and effect is great.

But at the level of Absolute Consciousness, cause & effect are a total illusion. This cannot be thought about. You must enter a totally nondual, Absolute state of consciousness.

Cause/effect = duality

If reality is ONE, how can it be caused or be an effect? You must have two parts for cause & effect to be viable. So within duality there is cause & effect but within nonduality there is not.

Another way to phrase it is: cause & effect is relative.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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David Hawkins says there’s an infinite number of causes for every effect. 

In your analogy you said if you eat healthy (cause) then you feel good (effect). If you look deeply there are in infinite number of reasons (causes) for that effect. What caused you to feel good? The healthy food you might say, but what caused you to eat healthy food? Maybe you read the book The Ultra Mind Solution. What caused you to read that? Leo’s book list. What caused you to find that? Leo’s YouTube channel. What caused that? Your interest in personal development. Everything was basically caused by the Big Bang or more accurately God because God caused the Big Bang. That’s just the way I see it anyways

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On 21.4.2019 at 4:30 AM, sausagehead said:

David Hawkins says there’s an infinite number of causes for every effect. 

In your analogy you said if you eat healthy (cause) then you feel good (effect). If you look deeply there are in infinite number of reasons (causes) for that effect. What caused you to feel good? The healthy food you might say, but what caused you to eat healthy food? Maybe you read the book The Ultra Mind Solution. What caused you to read that? Leo’s book list. What caused you to find that? Leo’s YouTube channel. What caused that? Your interest in personal development. Everything was basically caused by the Big Bang or more accurately God because God caused the Big Bang. That’s just the way I see it anyways

And thats the reason we are all one organism and there is no such a thing "connection" between people?

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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Every cause is a effect and ever effect is a cause. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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3 hours ago, Nivsch said:

David Hawkins says there’s an infinite number of causes for every effect.

I have verified this personally. It's true. Causal chains are infinitely long and have infinite complexity and interconnection.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you realize that a causal chain is infinite, it's basically the same as realizing that nothing is caused at all. Because zero and infinity are identical.

You could say there are infinite causes.

Or you could say that everything is its own cause.

Or you could say that everything in uncaused.

Those are just different ways of looking at the same thing.

It's paradoxical because Infinity cannot be captured in symbols or any linear finite framework. Infinity always finds a way to break out of any linear framework such as: A causes B causes C... causes Z. Nope! Cannot be that way. That kind of framework will ALWAYS be partial and incomplete. The Absolute cannot be formalized. Truth must always be bigger than anything you can say about it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It reminds me a lot of futuristic thinking actually. You don't just think of the cause and the effect directly. You think what the effect will affect, and what the effect will even affect more, and how it can all snowball into something worse. Tiny things make a difference when added up over time, not only to your life, but to everyone else. Little actions you do can affect another person's action, which also involves another person's action, and so on. What you believe to be true can get people to either make good or bad decisions in life, so be responsible.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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