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"My Descent into the Alt-Right Pipeline" Good video on internet radicalisation.

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7 hours ago, whoareyou said:

LEO, I think you may have a really huge left wing bias.

Here is another perspective to consider:

Maybe it's not about the money but about consciousness and mentality in general? Maybe it's enough of the victim mentality? There are black Americans like Candace Owens who are actually supporting Trump and don't see themselves as victims.  The Democractic Party sure likes to put ideas into the heads of the Black Americans that they are powerless victims, in order to get their votes.

Enough is enough of victimhood  - those Black Americans today living in US today are NOT victims.

Also, I am not a fan of Trump, but I can clearly see how the mainstream media trashed him, and how it backfired on them. To say that he is portrayed accurately by the media is very laughable.




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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not about playing victim, it's about recognizing systemic inequalities which are de-harmonizing society and creating needless suffering.

It's not just black people who are hurt by it. When people are not treated fairly, they then lash out and we all suffer the consequences collectively.

What I am saying actually requires taking responsibility for the systemic inequalities in our government. It is irresponsible to call people who were economically and racially oppressed for 200 years "victims". That is gaslighting. That's exactly like beating your wife and then telling her, "Oh, stop crying. Stop playing the victim here. It's all just a state of mind. Think positive." That's the definition of devilry.

There are real material inequalities at work here. You're not appreciating the systemic downstream effects of slavery and racism. It doesn't just fix itself in 50 years.

Can you list some of the system inequalities that you are talking about here?

My point is - It is much easier to play the victim and use it as an excuse to sit on the couch and not do anything. There are plenty of people doing that. This is what I mean by playing the victim. If you always told by everyone around you that you are a victim - that will only reinforce the victim mindset. It is very profitable for the Democratic Party to repeat this mantra and keep African Americans in the victim mindset, all in order to get their votes.

Those Black Americans who were born in the last 20 years in US, still have more opportunities than the people who are living in 3rd world countries. It is not even close. If you observed closely enough, you will see that the Africans that come from Africa and immigrate to US, and the African Americans who were born in US are very different. The biggest difference is the mindset, and thus why you see the ones from Africa having such higher quality of lives.

There are things that you can't change, and there are things that you can. Why not do the best with what you have, instead of playing the victim and give yourself excuses to not take action?

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I wouldn't even consider Stefan Molyneux Alternate Right, he's repeatably said he doesn't want any form of Government. On top of that he supposedly supports the NAP, so basically can be ploughed under by the Communists&Collectivists. First strike... doesn't really matter.

Anarchist( Cap Libertarian): Stefan Molyneux. NAP which I think is rubbish.

Civic Nationalism. The American Dream. Trump. Mike Cernovich.

Nationalism. Founding Fathers. Ben Shapiro(Zionism). Voxday(Army ants). Christopher Langan. Myself.

Gate Keepers. Jordan Peterson(Trilateral Commission & Soldout). Joe Rogan( Little man syndrome & Bought out).

Distributivism would be better than Collectivism. Divide up Capital and parcel it out. As opposed to Collectivisation for the Good of the Proletariat. I don't consider Black peoples equal. I don't consider white peoples equal. Ethiopians and East Africans dominate in Marathons and look like skeletons. West Africans dominate more in the sprint, and made better slaves for physical labour, more muscular. The East Africans probably more slaves in salt mines spice trade or occasional sex slaves for Arabs. In general though white people, dominate above all other nationalities in the highest levels of I.Q. Asians I'm sure lie and the sample get skewed to the more affluent.  To say black people have an approximate level of I.Q, when the wheel wasn't widely adopted is BS. Even through sheer laziness it makes sense. Australian Pygmies have one of the lowest I.Q as a group. Larger skull, larger brain, greater I.Q. Intelligence, maybe not.


@whoareyou Yeah Detroit is a Shit hole mass illiteracy, import Africa become Africa.

Deus Ex reference in username?


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14 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

Can you list some of the system inequalities that you are talking about here?

200 years of slavery and racism worth about $30 trillion is lost economic value.

How many years does it take to make up $30 trillion? Do the math.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

200 years of slavery and racism worth about $30 trillion is lost economic value.

How many years does it take to make up $30 trillion? Do the math.

You are repeating a lot of leftist dogma IMO. Why do we need to make up $30 trillion? ( a number you pulled out of your ass, as there is no way to actually estimate this)There is a big difference to what it is today and what it was many years ago. There are more opportunities today than ever before for them. Until the victim mindset and narrative is gone - nothing major will change, no matter the monetary amount. You are not helping the African Americans by reinforcing the victim mindset. Read again what I said in the previous post.

Edited by whoareyou

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13 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

The victim and victim-caller game is a different dynamic than the underlying systemic inequality.

"Systemic inequality" is such a Stage Green buzzword.  I'm not knocking it, just pointing this out.  "Systemic racism" is another one.  It's the Man holding us down dude.  It's not my shitty attitude, it's the system.  Green is like a child blaming its parents for all its ills.  It's never us, we're good.  We gotta change the system to be more like us.  I gotta change the system to fit my morality.  That's Green.  Green loves to blame everybody other than itself for all ills -- and the more general the better for Green's Ego.  Green loves to play the role of the long-suffering social martyr.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor LOL

The devils are out in full force today.

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A fun book to read.  Don't use this to become a fool though or to entrench into ideology.  This is gonna give you another perspective if you read it with the right attitude.  This should be required reading for those moving from Stage Green to Stage Yellow.  This is like a closed-minded book to read with an open mind if that makes sense.  

"The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@whoareyou You are looking at this using a stage Orange lens. There are higher POVs. You won't understand what I am saying until you grow some more.

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Here's another good book to read along the same lines.  Highly recommended: (Get the audiobook from Audible)

A fun book to read.  Don't use this to become a fool though or to entrench into ideology.  This is gonna give you another perspective if you read it with the right attitude.  This should be required reading for those moving from Stage Green to Stage Yellow.  This is like a closed-minded book to read with an open mind if that makes sense.  

"The Closing of The American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy And Impoverished The Souls of Today's Students" by Allan Bloom

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@whoareyou You are looking at this using a stage Orange lens. There are higher POVs. You won't understand what I am saying until you grow some more.

You provided 0 actual arguments. As always, very arrogant and not open minded to consider the possibility that you could possibly be wrong. Maybe you are the one that needs to grow some more and become conscious of your deep leftist bias. 

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9 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

You provided 0 actual arguments. As always, very arrogant and not open minded to consider the possibility that you could possibly be wrong. Maybe you are the one that needs to grow some more and become conscious of your deep leftist bias. 

It's toxic femininity, trying to use the collective ego against individual people. That's all the left does, pure stigmatization. Toxic masculinity is direct attacks. Toxic femininity is just saying "look how bad this person is and what they do to me" and get other people to look down on them and attack them for them. Much lower risk. You see this bullshit everywhere today. No real arguments or facts.

Edited by Andreas

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14 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

You provided 0 actual arguments. As always, very arrogant and not open minded to consider the possibility that you could possibly be wrong. Maybe you are the one that needs to grow some more and become conscious of your deep leftist bias. 

No argument can overcome lack of consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No argument can overcome lack of consciousness.

Again spewing some nonsense, instead of explaining your POV. Anyone that you disagree with, you just call a "devil", "stage X", "you are not conscious", etc. This is very surprising to see, coming from someone who claims to be as "conscious" as yourself. 

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4 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

Again spewing some nonsense, instead of explaining your POV. Anyone that you disagree with, you just call a "devil", "stage X", "you are not conscious", etc. This is very surprising to see, coming from someone who claims to be as "conscious" as yourself. 

The one who cannot deal with a message attack the messenger. 

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27 minutes ago, Zizzero said:

@Leo Gura Would you agree with the claim that you have a left-wing bias?

Would you agree with the claim that Jesus had a left-wing bias?

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 "Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. 14 They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not? 15 Should we pay or shouldn’t we?”

But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” 16 They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him."

"But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well; and if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.…" Matthew 5:40

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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