
What are “Downloads of Infinite Intelligence”?

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What is meant by this exactly?

Edited by kieranperez

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If the universe is the internet,  your mind is a computer.

You can download bunch of stuff. You can receive updates. Upgrades. Data. Info.


Cuz you're online. Connected.

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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

If the universe is the internet,  your mind is a computer.

You can download bunch of stuff. You can receive updates. Upgrades. Data. Info.


Cuz you're online. Connected.

and you can get viruses too, especially in the form of trojan horses

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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it’s like this enormous cloud of dreams you can enter it at the bakery at the cafe around the corner the yoga studio the organic food market, it’s a smile a hand that is still full of flour a hand that gives you a flower. it’s everywhere it’s you if you open your eye and ask the right questions.

it‘s also a tree, an ant and a stone.

Edited by now is forever

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5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

You can download bunch of stuff. You can receive updates. Upgrades. Data. Info.

Concrete example? I get what you’re saying as abstract example but what might be a practical example (as best as you can reasonably describe it with words).

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@kieranperez The middle part, the bliss of no ego, no overthinking, with regards to your recent trip report - There, all ‘things’ become known, and There all things are possible. Through meditation, and inspection of what disappeared and how - going into that “middle part”- as well as the inspection of how “it” reappears, coming out of that middle part. Psychedelics are helpful, absolutely, but also, nothing is hidden from you. 

You are asking about practicality, putting it into words. Consider it can not be put into words, rather, the path to it is present in your words themselves. Something I find very helpful, is taking the time to go back and read one’s own post - and look for where it was covered, evaded, suppressed, avoided. Many posts are of the ‘right’ question, few posters allow themselves to receive the answer. Usually the post of a question becomes the unseen attraction of like mindedness. 

And do not make the grave mistake of misinterpreting any “bad” emotions as of the circumstances, nor of what others say. Use the circumstances, use what others say - which bothers you - use THAT. Do not trust the thoughts, trust the emotions. They have eternally guided you. 




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Just now, Nahm said:

Do not trust the thoughts, trust the emotions.

Emotions fundamentally are thoughts. Emotions and they’re reactions are wired ways of trying to keep your familiar character in tact. Emotions need to be questioned. 

2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

You are asking about practicality, putting it into words. Consider it can not be put into words, rather, the path to it is present in your words themselves. Something I find very helpful, is taking the time to go back and one’s own post - and look for where it was covered, evaded, suppressed, avoided. 

Thi whole “it cant be described” thing has its limits.

Yeah I can’t really accurately convey in any sense certain aspects of when my 3rd eye opens. But to say I can’t describe any of it is bullshit. I can feel a massive energetic sensation opening in my forehead. I feel the point from where my spine ends and skull meet sending massive energy to that point and interconnecting with other points along my skull. When it opens I can (I’m using this as a hypothetical example, I’m not saying this happens to me) read a book without opening it but by merely holding it in my hands. That I can describe. 

If someone can go as far as to say I got a direct download from God and it was a massive epiphany that causes me to change some action or make a new decision or something (pick your causal effect), they clearly have enough to cognition to interpret that. Sure it may not be 100% accurate but that doesn’t diminish the value of attempting to communicate it beyond mere contrasting analogy (it’s like this...).. 

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@kieranperez I understand what you’re saying, but it will not come in the way you demand. Do what I suggest, read all of the posts on this thread. Question the emotions behind your words here. Bring your absolute best Honesty game to the review of your words. Ask yourself, “is this who I am?”

Or of course, don’t. Really up to you. I understand “ain’t nobody got time for that!” ?



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If the universe is the internet,  your mind is a computer.

Surely if the universe is the internet, you are also the internet?

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19 minutes ago, thesmileyone said:

Surely if the universe is the internet, you are also the internet?

Computer/internet is a duality.

Computers ARE the internet! ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Computer/internet is a duality.

Computers ARE the internet! ;)

what about the satellites? are they also the computers or are they the internet? what about the electrons? are they the satellites or are they the computers or are they the internet? what about the waves? are they the internet? are they in my brain or are they in the sea that separates two continents not physically but by foot uncrossable, or are they there to cross the sky in milliseconds?

am i the internet? can i get highspeed please?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Computer/internet is a duality.

Computers ARE the internet! ;)

Nature/manmade technology is also another duality. That one was/is particularly stomach turning to dissolve. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Nature/manmade technology is also another duality. That one was/is particularly stomach turning to dissolve. 

We'll be covering that one in the next episode.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

We'll be covering that one in the next episode.

No WAY!!! :D:D:D

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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13 hours ago, ivankiss said:

If the universe is the internet,  your mind is a computer.

You can download bunch of stuff. You can receive updates. Upgrades. Data. Info.


Cuz you're online. Connected.

and the akashic records what would be in your computing metaphore?

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10 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Nature/manmade technology is also another duality. That one was/is particularly stomach turning to dissolve. 

try dissolving it! if you can design pearls you can do that, too. at least for yourself. you can’t go back to paradise, though - but you can get a little comfier in hell ;)

that‘s something you can’t transcend only in your mind.

Edited by now is forever

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@kieranperez What if it really is all Mind, and the Kenyan’s are not competing with “themselves”, rather, simply running to where some thing is. They could “beat” the competing American with one leg, or literally, none. 



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