
Meditation + Self inquiry Practical Tip

2 posts in this topic

I've seen  Leo's Self inquiry tutorial today , I want to add it to my meditation routine whitch is sort of the mix of mindfullness/doing nothing/observing breath practice
mostly 20 minutes per day (I've been doing it like 4 years straight)
I hope self inquiry expand my conciousness faster

if I good understand self inquiry is being aware of being aware - trying to observe awarness itself
how long should I do this self inquiry?
is it better to stuck the time
20 minutes meditation + 20 minutes self inquiry in one seesion
or divided it
for example 20 minutes in the morning - 20 minutes before sleep
is it ok to listen music (meditative) or that is distraction?


Edited by OmniYoga

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I would say a 40 minute session is probably better than two 20 minutes because I do think it can take a little bit of start up time to get into the zone and quiet the mind well enough to notice some of the subtle ways we are suffering and resisting reality.  That being said, I wouldnt say it has seemed that important from my experience, but you'll have to get a feel for it yourself.  I wouldnt stress it too much and just do whichever of the two comes more naturally and focus more on how you can be practicing throughout your everyday life 

Edited by zambize

Comprehensive list of techniques:

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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