
No-self to God-Self

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23 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Well this entire life is your escape from who you really are. Level of our own ignorance is Infinite. 

There is profound truth to this statement. Conventional 'life' as we know it is 100% ignorance and delusion.

Yet the paradox is when one wakes up, it is realized there was no veiling in the first place. Such a sick joke ?

13 minutes ago, jbram2002 said:

I don't know about you, but I disagree with myself all the time.

be Echart tolle and wonder at the middle of the night "wait a minute. How many me are there? Am i one or many?" While listening to the distant passing train. Then sleep while being sucked into a vortex without resisting.

Next morning, wake up enlightened as fuck. Seeing oneness in everything and wandering in the streets.

Then spend 2 years in a park bench in bliss while occasionally people poking you about the secret of your happiness. 

Then write a bestseller book regarding power of now and all that good shit, make millions and spend the rest of your life in affluence while living the game of a successful guru in the satsang circuits xD

Edited by Preetom

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8 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@Soul-lover 2020 May be after realising what God is I will read Bible to understand what it says.For me now any reading is just a distraction.

Regarding Hinduism - Hinduism embraces everything.It doesn't say you should accept God or you should accept what scriptures say with absolute Faith.Not question it.

It gives full freedom.Live and let live.Let all living beings be happy.

  1. Scriptures encourage to question everything including the scriptures and to have a direct realization .Same was said by Buddha.

It doesn't say you are doomed and will go to hell and suffer for eternity if you don't believe God or scriptures.

It accepts atheists.It accepts Advaitha.It accepts duality or dwaitha.

Hindus see God is in everything both form and formless hence Hindus worship everything sun moon planets trees animals have personal diety. Rain,earth,Fire,sky,air everything is worshiped.

Advaitha God alone is.

Dwaitha - All that is present with in God is not God.

But God is in eveything.

It doesn't say devotion alone is the path.It says Path of knowledge or enquiry,Path of Devotion or Bhakthi or surrender,path of Yoga - meditation,and path of action - selfless service for realizing God.

Regarding dualists or devotees there is a famous quote by Saints a devotee want to taste sugar(God) but an Advaithin wants to become the sugar and how can he/she taste the love for God.

And Bhuddism or Buddha didn't speak about God.His approach was ending the suffering of human kind.



Points accepted.

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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You can do another experiment. "Your face". Can you see your face without mirrors.what is your face in actuality? Right now right here what is your face?

God I love apocalypse ❤️

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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20 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

You can do another experiment. "Your face". Can you see your face without mirrors.what is your face in actuality? Right now right here what is your face?

God I love apocalypse ❤️

Omg reading this reminded me of a funny story from scriptures lol.

A greatly devoted man prayed to God for many years. But as he was getting old, he was getting more frustrated and sad because he never had any vision of God in spite of praying so much.

So one night he prayed really hard and begged to have a vision of God before he dies. That night he hears a voice in the dream " look for the headless man. Once you find him, you'll find god"

So next day that man frantically searches everywhere in the streets. But alas! Every man has a head. After a whole day of frantic search he sits by the river disheartened. Everyone heading for home after evening,  while the man sits alone. 

Then all of a sudden the direct realization dawns on him that everyone has a head...Expect for him! He is the headless man! He is the God he was searching all along.

And thus the headless man got enlightened. So as the story goes :D


Edited by Preetom

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Just now, Preetom said:

Omg reading this reminded me a funny story from scriptures lol.

A greatly devoted man prayed to God for many years. But as he was getting old, he was getting more frustrated and sad because he never had any vision of God in spite of praying so much.

So one night he prayed really hard to begged to have a vision of God before he dies. That night he hears a voice in the dream " look for the headless man. Once you find him, you'll find god"

So next day that man frantically searches everywhere in the streets. But alas! Every man has a head. After a whole day of frantic search he sits by the river disheartened. Everyone heading for home after evening,  while the man sits alone. 

Then all of a sudden the direct realization dawns on him that everyone has a head...Expect for him! He is the headless man! He is the God he was searching all along.

And thus the headless man got enlightened. So as the story goes :D



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15 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

You can do another experiment. "Your face". Can you see your face without mirrors.what is your face in actuality? Right now right here what is your face?

God I love apocalypse ❤️

My face is the canvas for my emotions, happy, sad and many others besides.    


I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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I can not think of any other faster method for her to realize. ❤️

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28 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

God I love apocalypse ❤️

What does apocalypse do for you?

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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10 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@Soul-lover 2020 can you see your face with out mirrors ?


Of course I can!

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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Just now, Soul-lover 2020 said:

What does apocalypse do for you?

Best thing ever, end of suffering end of bullshit. End of imaginary conceptual self. Be ready for it it is coming to you. See this words they are you. ❤️?

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15 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

I can not think of any other faster method for her to realize. ❤️

I'm a he!

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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1 minute ago, Jkris said:

He might have an unusually long neck lol i dont know if he is joking or not xD

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5 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Best thing ever, end of suffering end of bullshit. End of imaginary conceptual self. Be ready for it it is coming to you. See this words they are you. ❤️?

It's already started, and it shall affect us all!

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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Maybe he can pop his eyes out and see his face but still what is behind that seeing. Absolute can't know itself it can only be itself. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Just now, Soul-lover 2020 said:

It's already started, and it shall affect us all!

Yes! ❤️

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