

36 posts in this topic

Right, so this is my last post. I'm getting off here. I don't think it's healthy and I can't bear the word salad any longer.

Too many questions that can't be answered.

1. If pure higher consciousness/God consciousness, is the 'natural state', why aren't we already there? Also, why can't we stay there?

2. Why do we have to take mushrooms/LSD/DMT to achieve this state of consciousness? LSD, I believe, is a man made concoction. Hmm.

3. Meditation. Hmmm. Better than sitting around doing nothing, I suppose. Why do we have to sit still for hours on end, in an excruciating position, to achieve this selflessness? Makes zero sense.

4. A lot of people here believe in the power of psychics, contacting souls etc. Hang about. That's a duality for a start.

5. Crystals. I don't see it. I just don't. YouTube Derren Brown and dream catcher.

6. Spiritual healing. Again, Derren Brown. Netflix "Miracles".

7. Free will. Not convinced we have it. So why do we all sit about telling each other to do different things, like we have a choice. If everything is perfect, then why bother telling anyone anything?

8. A lot of people talk here about self improvement. But if there is no you, who is to improve? Isn't everything perfect already?

9. Everything isn't perfect. Great amounts of suffering the world. It's shit.

10. In a universe of infinite possibilities, why can't it be that the universe is just how we see it? Why isn't duality an option?

11. In a universe of infinite intelligence, why create an ego?

12. Why bother with the human experiment? If everything is consciousness, why?

13. If the universe loves itself, and is whole, why does it have to experience itself?

14. People are always talking about their life goals. "I want to be a musician, I need to work on marketing for my big release". Seems a bit egoic right?? Why nt just enjoy the abundance of the now?

15. Many on here have families. If your children get chopped to bits this afternoon, is that all light and love? Why did you bother having children?

16. Why bother with relationships? With, ultimately, yourself?

17. NDEs. All point to Jesus.

18. Cherry picking bits of religions you like. Making it fit. Doesn't work.

19. Who/what created consciousness. Oh nothing, because it isnt a thing etc. Okay.

20. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Yawn.

21. It's all about love but Mr. Gura doesn't care about people anymore. Wow. He's done a lot of drugs though, so. If he came out tomorrow, said he had a trip and claimed he met Jesus, and Jesus was the truth, you'd all believe him and change your views. Incredible.

22. Too many people on here are massaging their spiritual egos. One/two worded replies to everything. Oh I am so enlightened. Riiiiiiight.

23. As we say in Yorkshire, England, Al si thi! (I'll see you). YouTube Yorkshire speak if you like. It's great.


This isn't for me. I don't know how anyone can live happily in a state of nothingness. Makes zero sense. The world is colourless. I'm outta here. I don't know what life is going to bring. I don't want to be here anymore, and if we are all being truthful, there are many others like me here. I've been signed off work for 4 weeks. I've got 4 weeks to basically do whatever the hell I want. I tried to end my life once, I'll probably try again. But I'm going to have some fun first.

All I ever wanted to do was help OTHER people. NOT MYSELF.


Edited by Paul92

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You could read some books. Leo made it easy for you and made a book list, saves you hundreds of hours of figuring out which books to read. Don't expect people to explain things to you, many here haven't read the books themselves and don't really know how to answer your question even if they think they do.

I see there are a lot of misconceptions about very basic concepts, based on how you framed all of these questions. So, if you want to get a grasp of any of this, work yourself through some books. You have to first realize the depth of your ignorance before you start adopting any positions, and I can see that you have not yet recognized how many assumptions you just take for granted.

It seems like you are suffering, you might want to first learn how to care for yourself before you start caring about others.

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  On 4/18/2019 at 11:13 AM, Paul92 said:


All I ever wanted to do was help OTHER people. NOT MYSELF.


Oooofff. I could have written that. I know you don't want short responses but other people ARE yourself. I came here to help others and instead I ended up getting all kinds of help that I didn't think I needed. When I finally accepted it I felt the love and connection that I was looking for. 

I wish you the best. Lots of love. :x Don't cut yourself off from love. It's your essence and everything that binds together and makes up the world. Love really hurts sometimes, that's the side of love you are feeling. Don't you know the saying that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? Do you disagree? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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You help "others" by helping yourself, and you help "yourself" by helping others.  In the end, its all the same. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Embrace the confusion man isn't that amazing that reality so is rich, so complex and so diverse that you can't put the truth in a simple statement?!❤️

Unanswered questions are amazing! 

Wish you all the best

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@Paul92 wow.  Well..the only thing I'll say here is that i can be damn sure of one thing:

You haven't had an actual mystical experience.  If you did you wouldn't have this point of view anymore - that of the materialist paradigm.

HELL - honestly if it didn't happen to me i wouldn't believe any of it EITHER!   I was a materialist until i had several weeks of mystical experience after mediation and listening to Leo's enlightenment videos. I was NOT on pyschedelics mind you..

It completely blindsided me.

So anyway telling you this means nothing.  Unless you experience it for yourself you will continue to view the world the way you do.  

Now i am not saying you can't be happy relative to you as a materialist.  You can be happy because you don't know what you don't know.  And that's just fine.

So good luck and i hope you find happiness.  Heck maybe one day Truth will blindside you as well.  The important stuff is you find wisdom and humility and matter the paradigm.

Eventually we all end up in the same place :)


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Scholar it does seem like he is...but he is just trying to find himself in this maze.   And without deep wisdom much of reality can seem depressing and bad on the surface.  I hope he finds happiness..


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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  On 4/18/2019 at 11:13 AM, Paul92 said:

Right, so this is my last post. I'm getting off here. I don't think it's healthy and I can't bear the word salad any longer.

Too many questions that can't be answered.

1. If pure higher consciousness/God consciousness, is the 'natural state', why aren't we already there? Also, why can't we stay there?

2. Why do we have to take mushrooms/LSD/DMT to achieve this state of consciousness? LSD, I believe, is a man made concoction. Hmm.

3. Meditation. Hmmm. Better than sitting around doing nothing, I suppose. Why do we have to sit still for hours on end, in an excruciating position, to achieve this selflessness? Makes zero sense.

4. A lot of people here believe in the power of psychics, contacting souls etc. Hang about. That's a duality for a start.

5. Crystals. I don't see it. I just don't. YouTube Derren Brown and dream catcher.

6. Spiritual healing. Again, Derren Brown. Netflix "Miracles".

7. Free will. Not convinced we have it. So why do we all sit about telling each other to do different things, like we have a choice. If everything is perfect, then why bother telling anyone anything?

8. A lot of people talk here about self improvement. But if there is no you, who is to improve? Isn't everything perfect already?

9. Everything isn't perfect. Great amounts of suffering the world. It's shit.

10. In a universe of infinite possibilities, why can't it be that the universe is just how we see it? Why isn't duality an option?

11. In a universe of infinite intelligence, why create an ego?

12. Why bother with the human experiment? If everything is consciousness, why?

13. If the universe loves itself, and is whole, why does it have to experience itself?

14. People are always talking about their life goals. "I want to be a musician, I need to work on marketing for my big release". Seems a bit egoic right?? Why nt just enjoy the abundance of the now?

15. Many on here have families. If your children get chopped to bits this afternoon, is that all light and love? Why did you bother having children?

16. Why bother with relationships? With, ultimately, yourself?

17. NDEs. All point to Jesus.

18. Cherry picking bits of religions you like. Making it fit. Doesn't work.

19. Who/what created consciousness. Oh nothing, because it isnt a thing etc. Okay.

20. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Yawn.

21. It's all about love but Mr. Gura doesn't care about people anymore. Wow. He's done a lot of drugs though, so. If he came out tomorrow, said he had a trip and claimed he met Jesus, and Jesus was the truth, you'd all believe him and change your views. Incredible.

22. Too many people on here are massaging their spiritual egos. One/two worded replies to everything. Oh I am so enlightened. Riiiiiiight.

23. As we say in Yorkshire, England, Al si thi! (I'll see you). YouTube Yorkshire speak if you like. It's great.


This isn't for me. I don't know how anyone can live happily in a state of nothingness. Makes zero sense. The world is colourless. I'm outta here. I don't know what life is going to bring. I don't want to be here anymore, and if we are all being truthful, there are many others like me here. I've been signed off work for 4 weeks. I've got 4 weeks to basically do whatever the hell I want. I tried to end my life once, I'll probably try again. But I'm going to have some fun first.

All I ever wanted to do was help OTHER people. NOT MYSELF.


This is what happens when the mind tries to understand things that are beyond its capacity,

The problem was always the mind and you still want to use it to understand things

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@Paul92 Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We had some interesting convos.

I wish you well with whatever arises ♥️ ? 

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1. If pure higher consciousness/God consciousness, is the 'natural state', why aren't we already there? Also, why can't we stay there?

2. Why do we have to take mushrooms/LSD/DMT to achieve this state of consciousness? LSD, I believe, is a man made concoction. Hmm.

3. Meditation. Hmmm. Better than sitting around doing nothing, I suppose. Why do we have to sit still for hours on end, in an excruciating position, to achieve this selflessness? Makes zero sense.

1. We are. Even though we live via ego, we are still in our natural state, just with BS on top of it that causes suffering.

2. We don't. It's just a shortcut. Which leads me on to...

3. Because to get to pure higher consciousness, you have to do the work. Meditate, for hours and hours and hours. Do you think this would bother God? No, it bothers the ego. The false "I am". Which causes all the suffering.

Some people here have experienced and now live from all the states and level of consciousness you speak of in your later questions and have not done any drugs yet. They have however, done the work...

BTW even the psychedelic way is work too. You gotta integrate what you learn into life. THAT'S WORK TOO.

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Wish you all the best!

Don't give up on playing the greatest video game: Life.

All of your questions have answers, but the answers are on different levels of the game. Remember how you always had questions and you found answers to some of them, you will find the answers to the rest of them.

It's all a play, we're here to play and enjoy.

So, play and enjoy.


Edited by Truth Addict

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@Truth Addict thats pretty funny you use the metaphor of a video game because i actually had a saying similar to Leo's saying of jailbreaking your mind.

"Enlightenment is like beating the beat the game and unlocked its secrets.  Now you get to play it over and over again but it will never be the same to you again"

It really felt like i beat the game...pretty cool since i can't beat an actual video game for my life but i can beat life itself lol


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Everytime I see one of these "goodbye" posts I feel like breaking into a rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Goodbye everybody........ I've got to go

Gotta leave you all behind to face the truth...........

@Paul92 Godspeed Paul.  May the wind always be at your back.

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  On 4/18/2019 at 8:21 PM, cetus56 said:

@Truth Addict If it ain't were screwed.xD

Well, actually I don't know.

Maybe I'm just projecting because I'm happy.

I hope everyone becomes happy, that's a better phrasing I guess.


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