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I get that having a "thick skin" is useful in this harsh world but how far is too far? How do you know when you have the right balance? Is it ok to be sensitive? Is being too open about your emotional sensitivity good, or can oversharing be harmful?

I admit, I am kind of emotionally sensitive. I have gotten better and I don't feel like I need people's approval but I have felt it as a "weakness", in the past. I also tend to hide my sensitivity and pent up a lot of emotions because I don't trust other people enough to be open.

Which leads me to think: would it really be a good thing to be open, anyways.

I understand controlling your emotions but what's the difference between control and suppression? Is there a difference?

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Putting up defenses and a thick skin is actually quite neurotic and damaging to your well-being.

Following the One Simple Rule For Acing Life video: do the most emotionally challenging thing. Which in this case is being FULLY open and vulnerable!

Being vulnerable is counter-intuitively the strongest position to occupy because then nothing can harm you. It's like defeating hate with love.

Gandhi is the perfect example of how to do this, and how powerful it really is. It really works! Unshakable openness and vulnerability is a very rare human quality, mostly reserved for the wisest sages and saints. Any fool can be defensive and put up a thick skin. But openness takes real balls and self-awareness to execute.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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