Genghis Khan

Is Magic Real?

27 posts in this topic

I'm not sure what to write here, because I'm not sure what I am. I feel like reality is breaking down. My mind is gone. Something has happened to me which can only be described as an extreme existential crisis and it's the most gruesome experience I've ever faced. I saw something that instantly changed everything about this life, and my mind is working tirelessly to take my focus off this reality. My mental state is one of shock, accompanied by confusion, fear, denial, and quite possibly psychosis. I'm having great difficulty just writing this, because my mind is so broken that I can't even be certain about what I'm writing. I've never experienced this level of emotional turmoil and inner conflict before. I truly feel as though I'm going insane. I feel like I've just stumbled into the secret of reality, and in doing so I have inadvertently rendered myself psychotic and unstable in the process.

In writing this, I need to be extremely careful because I have become aware of the apparent variables affected by what is said here, which is to say that this writing is intimately connected with everything else which manifests itself in reality.

The only thing I can do to make sure this writing correctly yields beneficial responses is to be as honest as humanly possible. I can no longer allow for my past habits to continue. Every thought I had and every word I spoke and written were all infected by a need to posture myself by projecting an image of an intelligent, insightful person, and proceeding to endlessly convince myself and others of this pretence. It was pure arrogance and ego fueled by petty juvenile emotions. It seems as though all my primary motivations stemmed from the need to impress and gain acceptance from other people and myself. It's humbling to know that it's taken this long to become fully conscious of this neurotic mechanism which plagued my subconscious mind like a virus. Luckily, this imbalance has steadily subsided as I've learned to become more mindful of my feelings.

Now that I ego-checked myself, I can properly discuss what has happened and why I've happened upon the subject of Magic. Recently, I had the epiphany that Magic is real, or at the very least, the word "Magic" can be used to describe phenomenon inherent in reality. Magic became open to me when I had a shocking mystical experience of sorts roughly two weeks ago. Unfortunately, what I saw, or felt, is too much to even try describe in words. My attempts to access these memories result in a sense of fear, a fear of the radical power of the Ultimate Truth, which is a clear result of my imbalance. Ceaseless confusion arouse after this experience, but in the end, I walked away with one fact clear in my mind. The universe is completely, utterly, a mental construct. It's alive, everything I've experienced is intimately connected with me and my mind, to the point of being indistinguishable. The entire "external world" is actually the internal world. The internal world works hand in hand with the external world. My thoughts, emotions, words, and imagination are inevitably connected with what we call "Physical Reality" or "The Real World" or "Life". The greater implication of this fact is that I was wrong about what I was. Whatever I am, it's much bigger than what I was lead to believe. What I am is something that is pushing everything that's occuring in "reality" including both the mind, body, sensations, and every possible manifestation that occurs within the universal awareness, which is what is occuring right now. These words are appearing. Whatever it is that is allowing these words to manifest and appear, that is The Ultimate. These words exist and are making an appearance inside The One Reality. If you are reading this, then you can verify that this is in fact The One. As you read this, notice that everything that exists in the entire universe is taking place right here in this awareness, the very same place in which these words reside. The One, also known as God, is the source of all manifestations and it's preeminent forever because all that occurs is The One. It's from this starting point that reality can be properly studied. This is the knowledge that is changing me and taking control.

The strangest thing about this realization is that it did not come from an outside source. It rose to the surface from deep within like a long forgotten memory. It was new and radical, but it came from deep within the subconscious.

As I reflected on this insight, I realized that many things I previously thought were ridiculous are actually extremely prodound topics. I once mocked religion, but I've began studying every religion and identifying the esoteric knowledge hidden within. I have become fascinated by the occult mysteries which are present in every notable culture, particularly the use of Magical Rituals. Magic, an art that is shunned by modern materialists, is actually one of the deepest subjects humans have studied. It is Life Mastery taken to its furthest levels. Magic is an ability that generally can only be accessed by disciplined spiritual practitioners, because only non-dualistic thinkers can understand how it works and have purified themselves enough to use it effectively.

Why do I say Magic is real? Because everything is Magic. Magic is the art of using Will to manipulate reality. When you are everything, using your Will to change reality becomes much more feasible, because it's a process that is constantly occuring as the subconscious mind is constantly calculating the entire universe and determining what appears. Magic can be done simply by making an impression on the subconscious mind calculated to bring about a certain result, and one can experiment with this and notice the results.

So do any of you practice any form of the Magic I am refering to? Is all of this pure innane, psychotic ramblings, or am I onto something?



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You're onto something. The reason that presence and living in the present moment is so important is because when these glimpses or bigger visions occur, understanding of past and time is forever changed. In order to stay sane and to keep having glimpses into the true nature of reality you must learn to still your mind. It's like leveling up, but now it's much harder but also more critical that you are able to clear your mind and surrender to life. Old basic things learned in personal development like self care also become critical. Studying the teachings that got you here and exploring more is now even more important. I don't practice magic, magic practices me. I am slowly learning that love and care for myself is also love and care for the greater whole. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Genghis Khan I second what @mandyjw said. Meditate. Devote yourself to it and whatever you do, don't fall off. Like you said, it's all magic. To become conscious is to become a Magician.

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Depends what you call magic. And yes is real. An awakened human being or a trained occultist can influence the dormant in such a way positive or negative remotely that you would not believe is possible. Let's brake it down. Is all about intention what we send to others. If i visualize that my neighbour per example will be healthy and peaceful and joyful, it will happen if one is really open and let's go of prejudice. So maybe the neighbour will be all loving towards one the next day, depends on proper work. Same applies to the negative. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@mandyjw That is an excellent answer. Very good advice. 

@Genghis Khan My heart goes out to you because I've been where you are now.  I couldn't give you any better advice than what @mandyjw and @Vinnie already did.

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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@Genghis Khan Sounds about right. Couple thoughts for you...Get yourself in a class with other people. Yoga, or preferably Reiki. Resonating with other people onto this is reassuring. Also, there’s a sort of ‘tight rope no net’ factor. With other people, facets of magic will just happen within you. You have to get yourself in that position. You can’t plan it, because you’re right about what you said with the verbiage of conscious / subconscious. Also, if it get’s crazy, just let it go and ‘back out of it’ by going fully to sensory (sight, sound, feeling, breathing) of your immediate environment. You’ll find this both grounds you and “increases” ability. And this stuff is crazy to “sane people”, so save yourself some headaches by not trying to be understood by muggles. Feel free to pm me anytime. Have fun, and, the energy or electricity of this magic, in case you haven’t realized, is Love. 



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@Genghis Khan you are more sane than most of us. The whole world is magic.  You don't need to will anything into existence. There's no effort or special incantations needed. Here it is!

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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44 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Also, if it get’s crazy, just let it go and ‘back out of it’ by going fully to sensory (sight, sound, feeling, breathing) of your immediate environment. You’ll find this both grounds you and “increases” ability. And this stuff is crazy to “sane people”, so save yourself some headaches by not trying to be understood by muggles. Feel free to pm me anytime. Have fun, and, the energy or electricity of this magic, in case you haven’t realized, is Love. 

@Nahm Pure gold brother.

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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@Genghis Khan Yes, magick/occult is very real. It is the western path to enlightenment. I have found that all the traditions have their strengths and weaknesses.

After studying Buddhism and Yoga very intensely for several years, my "inner guru" led me to realize that my next step of spiritual evolution was going to involve energy work. Yoga has very powerful energy work (magic) but one is not going to learn very much unless they follow a guru. If you do follow a guru, you may find out many years later that energy work is not his strength and learn very little. Taoism is very powerful magic but is more limited in its uses and difficult for a westerner to fully grasp and master.

The occult is energy work on steroids. I dont think any traditions can touch it in that arena. A lot of people would disagree but that is simply because there is a weird bias in the west that true spirituality can only be found in the east. 

The philosophy is a bit different than Buddhism or Yoga. Rather than claiming the physical world is "unspiritual" and that one should just dissolve the self and wait for death/liberation, Occultists believe that the physical world is created by the divine and should be mastered and engaged in like all the other realms in a process of eternal spiritual evolution. They believe one must dissolve the ego identification by seeing through the mechanism of the ego. They use the ego as a tool, created by the divine, for  divine purposes. They believe in observing the mechanism of the ego through meditation and disassociating from the aspects that are animalistic or of lower vibration. Once one has fully broken their identification with the ego, they can discover their True Will of their higher Self/soul. The True Will is generally associated with looking outward to how you can serve other beings for their greater good. High Magic is employed for the purpose of achieving ones True Will and spiritual purification/evolution. 

Energy work in all the traditions I have studied (Taoism, Yoga, Buddism, Kabbalah) involve intense visualization, breathwork, rituals, concentration and certain physical movements. The occult has pretty much of what they all have but a lot more imo.

Magick/the occult incorporates a lot of Kabbalah/Jewish mysticism into its ultimate view of God/reality.

I would highly suggest just sticking to High Magick, which is for the purpose to become one with the divine. I also do some rituals for health and prosperity because both can be used to help meet my spiritual goals. Despite what many say, there is nothing spiritual about weakness, poverty and sickness. With that said, be VERY careful with using the occult for prosperity. That can very easily solidify and inflate the ego. Keep your intentions based in love and that will guide you.

Personally, I have combined what I have learned from Buddhism, Yoga and the Occult. For me, it is a complete spiritual practice. 

If you want your have the experience of seeing your chakras light up like a christmas tree, magick is the way to do it. It didnt take me long to being able to have powerful experiences of moving energy around me and through me. Iearned quickly how to identify "bad" energy and replace with "good" energy. (me meditating 1-1.5 hours a day for the last 3 years was a factor)

My significant other doubted whether magic was real. We did a ritual to summon an arch angel and the angel appeared. Im not going to go into too much detail about what happened but it was an extremely powerful and beautiful experience. Lets just say my significant other is now totally on board with magick.

Magick is a tool. It can be used for "good" or "bad". Whatever you use it for, it amplifies it greatly.

Edited by Matt8800

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I highly appreciate the advice everyone, thank you for the encouragement.

I started this thread shortly after having my first mystical experience, and it was a tremendously emotional experience. It's been 6 months since then, and I have stabilized quite a bit. I have realized that deep inside myself I have emotions that I've never really confronted or matured out of, and so most of my focus has been put towards understanding my emotions.

The problem with enlightenment is that part of me wants to emotionally reject the experience, and I still don't understand why. It makes me feel like I can no longer go back to what I was. And I am forever cut off from a significant portion of people due to having a radically different attitude towards life. While other people find it difficult to relate to me, I have noticed that people began treating me differently since I've changed.

In my everyday life I've began to behave as though I'm God, and I've embraced that my experience as the entirety of the universe. I make friends much more easily and can socialize with no anxiety, while before I couldn't socialize at all due to my own fears. But now I realize that I'm only interacting with myself, and I have nothing to fear from other people. Of course, my level of mindfulness shifts, and I still often slip back into old habits.

The most profound change I've found in myself since my brief awakening is that I'm brutally honest when speaking to others. I always say what I actually feel, instead of saying what people want to hear. I used to always interact with others in a fake manner, and somehow this habit dissolved spontaneously, and it has improved my life dramatically.

Since I've posted this thread, I've actually moved across the country and started a new life in order to create a space for greater spiritual growth. I now live a very minimalist lifestyle in a rural town. I pay cheap rent, and only have to work 20 hours a week to survive. I'm devoting my free time towards a passion project I'm working on with two good friends of mine.

I'm going to start a channel on YouTube and reveal my true face to the internet. In October I will start uploading videos. Next year, I'm going to film an indie film, with just me and a few friends and upload it for free on YouTube. I've been struck with a genius idea for a film which has inspired me to create it. I'm going to use myself and a few friends as actors and produce and edit the film myself. The script is already complete, but I must wait until next year because I need to travel to specific locations at certain times of the year in order to shoot the film.

I will not say what it's about but I will say that it aims to popularize 5-MeO-DMT and make concepts found on forums like these more familiar to the general public.



Edited by Genghis Khan

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On 4/18/2019 at 6:46 PM, Matt8800 said:

@Genghis Khan Yes, magick/occult is very real. It is the western path to enlightenment. I have found that all the traditions have their strengths and weaknesses.

After studying Buddhism and Yoga very intensely for several years, my "inner guru" led me to realize that my next step of spiritual evolution was going to involve energy work. Yoga has very powerful energy work (magic) but one is not going to learn very much unless they follow a guru. If you do follow a guru, you may find out many years later that energy work is not his strength and learn very little. Taoism is very powerful magic but is more limited in its uses and difficult for a westerner to fully grasp and master.

The occult is energy work on steroids. I dont think any traditions can touch it in that arena. A lot of people would disagree but that is simply because there is a weird bias in the west that true spirituality can only be found in the east. 

The philosophy is a bit different than Buddhism or Yoga. Rather than claiming the physical world is "unspiritual" and that one should just dissolve the self and wait for death/liberation, Occultists believe that the physical world is created by the divine and should be mastered and engaged in like all the other realms in a process of eternal spiritual evolution. They believe one must dissolve the ego identification by seeing through the mechanism of the ego. They use the ego as a tool, created by the divine, for  divine purposes. They believe in observing the mechanism of the ego through meditation and disassociating from the aspects that are animalistic or of lower vibration. Once one has fully broken their identification with the ego, they can discover their True Will of their higher Self/soul. The True Will is generally associated with looking outward to how you can serve other beings for their greater good. High Magic is employed for the purpose of achieving ones True Will and spiritual purification/evolution. 

Energy work in all the traditions I have studied (Taoism, Yoga, Buddism, Kabbalah) involve intense visualization, breathwork, rituals, concentration and certain physical movements. The occult has pretty much of what they all have but a lot more imo.

Magick/the occult incorporates a lot of Kabbalah/Jewish mysticism into its ultimate view of God/reality.

I would highly suggest just sticking to High Magick, which is for the purpose to become one with the divine. I also do some rituals for health and prosperity because both can be used to help meet my spiritual goals. Despite what many say, there is nothing spiritual about weakness, poverty and sickness. With that said, be VERY careful with using the occult for prosperity. That can very easily solidify and inflate the ego. Keep your intentions based in love and that will guide you.

Personally, I have combined what I have learned from Buddhism, Yoga and the Occult. For me, it is a complete spiritual practice. 

If you want your have the experience of seeing your chakras light up like a christmas tree, magick is the way to do it. It didnt take me long to being able to have powerful experiences of moving energy around me and through me. Iearned quickly how to identify "bad" energy and replace with "good" energy. (me meditating 1-1.5 hours a day for the last 3 years was a factor)

My significant other doubted whether magic was real. We did a ritual to summon an arch angel and the angel appeared. Im not going to go into too much detail about what happened but it was an extremely powerful and beautiful experience. Lets just say my significant other is now totally on board with magick.

Magick is a tool. It can be used for "good" or "bad". Whatever you use it for, it amplifies it greatly.

Could you link me to any sources that can teach me how to utilize magick that can produce specific results? I want to prove it to myself irrevocably.

I tend to agree with occultists, the "physical world" is God's realm itself, and it's indistinct from the mind. So if one can control the mind, they can necessarily control reality.


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On 4/18/2019 at 5:03 PM, Nahm said:

@Genghis Khan Sounds about right. Couple thoughts for you...Get yourself in a class with other people. Yoga, or preferably Reiki. Resonating with other people onto this is reassuring. Also, there’s a sort of ‘tight rope no net’ factor. With other people, facets of magic will just happen within you. You have to get yourself in that position. You can’t plan it, because you’re right about what you said with the verbiage of conscious / subconscious. Also, if it get’s crazy, just let it go and ‘back out of it’ by going fully to sensory (sight, sound, feeling, breathing) of your immediate environment. You’ll find this both grounds you and “increases” ability. And this stuff is crazy to “sane people”, so save yourself some headaches by not trying to be understood by muggles. Feel free to pm me anytime. Have fun, and, the energy or electricity of this magic, in case you haven’t realized, is Love. 

Thanks for the advice. I found some reiki classes in my area, and I'm planning to attend and check it out. Magic feels very daunting to me, and I'm not sure how to approach it, so for now I'm going to seek teachers in real life. Lately I've been focusing on uncovering my deepest subconscious emotions to better understand myself.

One thing I've noticed in myself is psychic abilities. I can sense other people's emotions, like a very sensitive empathic sense. It makes human interaction far more intense because I feel like I'm flooded by the other person's spirit. I also have noticed that the emotions and thoughts I dwell on tend to cause manifestations in reality that correspond with that energy.

Along with the empathy, since my brief awakening, I noticed that my social life as improved dramatically. I noticed that people are uplifted by my presence, and I have a lot of fun interacting with other people. 6 months ago my social anxiety was crippling to the point of dysfunction, and now I am completely free of social anxiety. Life doesn't even feel hard or hostile like it used to. It just feels like a game. I'm not worried about anything and I feel amazing. After the enlightenment, all the biggest problems in my life naturally dissolved. I was unemployed and on the verge of being homeless while living in squalor. Now I am financially stable, I have savings, and can live comftortably working only 20 hours per week. I used to be socially inept, and now I'm a confident social butterfly and I feel appreciated by my peers. The only reason for the success really was that I had my faith in the universe and myself, that everything will work out if I want it to. Insisting that I am the universe has changed my life.

I'm ready for a deeper enlightenment experience. I feel like I've only pulled back the first layer of the onion. I resolved my most obvious emotional problems, but I'm now uncovering deeper, more fundamental emotions within myself that only now can really be confronted.

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1 hour ago, Genghis Khan said:

Could you link me to any sources that can teach me how to utilize magick that can produce specific results? I want to prove it to myself irrevocably.

I tend to agree with occultists, the "physical world" is God's realm itself, and it's indistinct from the mind. So if one can control the mind, they can necessarily control reality.

@Matt8800 I second this request.

I know that magick is real, but never had the courage to use it deliberately.


Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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38 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

I'm disappointed :)

Can I help you with that feeling somehow?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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2 minutes ago, tsuki said:

Can I help you with that feeling somehow?


No you can't :P

The damage is done.

Edited by Truth Addict

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16 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:


No you can't :P

The damage is done.

Then why are you tagging me?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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