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God's Infinte Blue Print - Known by God

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 As words written on paper are read and known by us.

Infinte energy (as science confirms, cannot be created or destroyed) which is spread in infinte space is read and known by God.

And where is God?

He is the paper on which energy is written (appears.) ♥






Who is the writer (creator) of the energy?
What is the energy _written_ (Made of) by? 
What is used to _write_ (create) the energy?
Who is the energy _read_ (known/sensed/felt) by?

And by whose process does the energy _write itself/plot advance_ (move/time) is it written by? ... Infinte intelligence, writing an infinitely linked energetic play which we know as Reality. Infinte interconnected fractal/fabric of space/time.

The answer to all is God

God is the paper, the words on it, the lead used to write it, the writing process and the writer and the reader of both the story, the story's point of view and the one that knows it outside of the story's plot.
All ONE.

Love Is The Answer

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Imagine you're reading a novel which is endless. You may say as you finish reading one book, the author publishes the next chapter in the series and so on...

Imagine you have got an infinite capacity to read without taking any breaks, so this allows you to read these books non-stop to the end of time.

Now, you start reading this book and it is written from a self referential point of view of the main character of book.
You continue reading it book after another... So much so that you crossed a point of inflection where in you now believe (100%) that you are the main character of the story you're reading. Emotionally, mentally, full on end. Almost like we often get lost in the movies we watch and they can make us feel real and deep emotions like crying, horror, laughter. 

So you're connected in this book and the character in that way, except this is 100%  and all the way thru (you have been reading the book for years now without stopping a second)

The character of the book which you take that to be... Can he (that character) ever know who you are?

That character is nothing but words on pages... You bring life into the character by reading it and in this case having forgotten you're the reader and not the character being read about and known by you.

This is what your life is like.
You do not have a mind.
You are the seer-er of a mind

And in your case, you are the see-er of your character's/ego's  mind.

This person who thinks using the I-thoughts does not exist. 

It is simply energy seen and known by you.

As words are read and known by the reader of a book
As such, infinte unbounded energy is known/felt by God

And since God is the very container of this energy and he exists as nothingness himself, then this implies the energy and the knower of it are one!

And you are that knower! In infinte minds. You are empty space. And empty space exists everywhere. 99% of matter is empty space... And it is truly 99.999999% which in mathematics is equal to 100% empty. Thus, the substance of Everything is emptiness. And you are that emptiness which also is not separate from the Everything it contains.

Love Is The Answer

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