zasa joey

Very Confused About Life!

36 posts in this topic

I just dont get it, why is leo even teaching us? what makes us smarter, more open-minded, knowledgeable than us? why do we have to wait for his videos? why do we have to watch him? why does he speak about things that we will never hear somewhere else? where does he "come" up with them? what the fuck should i do? should i use my own judgement? should i trust leo? should i live rest of my life watching his videos. should i cut out him completely? I just dont get him he is so counter-intuitive. what should i do? should i block my thoughts, desires, "ego", should I try to eliminate all theese, or should i accept them? should i struggle  and fight against this things or should i let them be and embrace them? should i trust my judgement, should i masturbate and kill and steal and try to make myself look cool to impress people and socialize if i have these urges and desires? or should i say no to all these cause they are "egoic"? like wtf? my mind is gonna blow up now i think? should i destroy my "ego" or accept it as a part of me? jesus this is endless so much questions and lesser answers.

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16 minutes ago, zasa joey said:

I just dont get it, why is leo even teaching us? what makes us smarter, more open-minded, knowledgeable than us? why do we have to wait for his videos? why do we have to watch him? why does he speak about things that we will never hear somewhere else? where does he "come" up with them? what the fuck should i do? should i use my own judgement? should i trust leo? should i live rest of my life watching his videos. should i cut out him completely? I just dont get him he is so counter-intuitive. what should i do? should i block my thoughts, desires, "ego", should I try to eliminate all theese, or should i accept them? should i struggle  and fight against this things or should i let them be and embrace them? should i trust my judgement, should i masturbate and kill and steal and try to make myself look cool to impress people and socialize if i have these urges and desires? or should i say no to all these cause they are "egoic"? like wtf? my mind is gonna blow up now i think? should i destroy my "ego" or accept it as a part of me? jesus this is endless so much questions and lesser answers.

"Now, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness' — then you should enter & remain in them."


Practice meditation, quiet the mind, and see for yourself.

As for ethics, lookup Secular Humanism, or the Buddhist Sila.


Edited by SkyPanther

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There's a lot of black and white thinking going on there buddy, time for you to realize the massive GREY area that you deny to yourself everyday. 



Memento Mori

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@Truth look man! these are the terms of leo, i realize that life is GREY, but how com that in this GREY universe leo gura has got everything to guide us, he is our shining light (yea right) just answer me! what the fuck do you do when you have no idea what to do whether you should embrace and accept your ego and lower-self, or you should eliminate it! now dont tell me that you can do both :D just dont man!

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17 minutes ago, zasa joey said:

@Truth look man! these are the terms of leo, i realize that life is GREY, but how com that in this GREY universe leo gura has got everything to guide us, he is our shining light (yea right) just answer me! what the fuck do you do when you have no idea what to do whether you should embrace and accept your ego and lower-self, or you should eliminate it! now dont tell me that you can do both :D just dont man!

A confused, run-a-muck ego can't eliminate itself, it's way to busy doing everything it can to protect itself, in fact everything you do in your life is to protect your ego, self agenda and your self image. Of course you should accept your ego and lower-self, a mature ego accepts itself, a mature ego can be open minded to certain contradictions in it's worldview, a mature ego is open to the idea that it might not exist, you can't do both, you're exactly right. Why? because an ego can't protect itself and kill itself at the same time. 

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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@zasa joey  He simply wants to contribute to society by sharing any insights he may have recognized about life.  That is what any reasonably ethical person want to do... help others. If they find something that can make a difference in someones life, they feel a responsibility to share it. That is all, he is providing information.

You reserve the right to accept or reject any knowledge as you see fit... Why condemn a news reporter for simply reporting?

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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1 hour ago, SkyPanther said:

"Now, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness' — then you should enter & remain in them."


Practice meditation, quiet the mind, and see for yourself.

As for ethics, lookup Secular Humanism, or the Buddhist Sila.



1 hour ago, zasa joey said:

I just dont get it, why is leo even teaching us? what makes us smarter, more open-minded, knowledgeable than us? why do we have to wait for his videos? why do we have to watch him? why does he speak about things that we will never hear somewhere else? where does he "come" up with them? what the fuck should i do? should i use my own judgement? should i trust leo? should i live rest of my life watching his videos. should i cut out him completely? I just dont get him he is so counter-intuitive. what should i do? should i block my thoughts, desires, "ego", should I try to eliminate all theese, or should i accept them? should i struggle  and fight against this things or should i let them be and embrace them? should i trust my judgement, should i masturbate and kill and steal and try to make myself look cool to impress people and socialize if i have these urges and desires? or should i say no to all these cause they are "egoic"? like wtf? my mind is gonna blow up now i think? should i destroy my "ego" or accept it as a part of me? jesus this is endless so much questions and lesser answers.

I see a great deal in your text, actually a lot more than i care to write about, no rational person would have written what you wrote, in a forum where people are attempting to help other grow.  Many here, may make excuses why you made these statement but the statements say a great deal more than you realize and more than many others will observe.  Either you are playing some game here or you have some serious issues.  If you were serious about getting help you would be reading many of the post on this site that just might relate to your own issues and the advice given to help that individual.  You are very confused or either this is just a rant, which is it? and if you are confused and want help why arent you reading the various issues and the help given those who were seeking it or seeking to get help with a specific problem to improve your life rather than rant about Leo and his work, based on your words you are not ready for what he is teaching, but having said that there is lots of people here who have experience in many things that could offer you help. I think you  need to regroup and rethink your post and decide on what you want to do concerning the site, grow or rant.  I know this may sound harsh to you, and a number of others here may see it the same, but, you need some reality in your life, not more nonsense that wont help you.  I hope you make the right decision, and if you do there are many here that will take the time to help you, but you should show more appreciation for the site, the people here, and Leo and his work.  Excuses for failure only create more failure,  If you have a desire for personal growth, join in and begin learning, if that desire is not there, then you need to do just what is important to you until you are ready for serious personal growth. 

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2 hours ago, zasa joey said:

what the fuck should i do? should i use my own judgement? should i trust leo? should i live rest of my life watching his videos. should i cut out him completely?

perhaps there's something useful in Leo's videos, if not, you wouldn't even considere it, right?

What should you do? Personally I profoundly dislike this "should" word, so I would never do anything just because I should or avoid something because I shouldn't do it..

It's a really good thing that you question what you hear or look at, I wouldn't either swallow anything just because someone told me so. You can make your opinion and try out what you think that is good for you.

In my opinion, you can win insights by listening to each person, some can offer you more, some less, make your choice see the positive side and take the best of them..

Maybe you can give some good to others as well :)?

PS: you don't have to destroy anything, you can understand so much more if you don't battle, just listen and feel, it's more effective and so much more enjoyable.. Just relaxe


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3 hours ago, zasa joey said:

I just dont get it, why is leo even teaching us? what makes us smarter, more open-minded, knowledgeable than us? why do we have to wait for his videos? why do we have to watch him? why does he speak about things that we will never hear somewhere else? where does he "come" up with them? what the fuck should i do? should i use my own judgement? should i trust leo? should i live rest of my life watching his videos. should i cut out him completely? I just dont get him he is so counter-intuitive. what should i do? should i block my thoughts, desires, "ego", should I try to eliminate all theese, or should i accept them? should i struggle  and fight against this things or should i let them be and embrace them? should i trust my judgement, should i masturbate and kill and steal and try to make myself look cool to impress people and socialize if i have these urges and desires? or should i say no to all these cause they are "egoic"? like wtf? my mind is gonna blow up now i think? should i destroy my "ego" or accept it as a part of me? jesus this is endless so much questions and lesser answers.

Dude get some help. Youre post on "friends" was at least as confusing as this, get youre mental health checked and im not kidding.

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@zasa joey every person in life decides what they want to follow

The people on this forum find Leo's messages as insights to a preferred way of living and looking at life 

you don't have to, if you want to go back to the everyday ego society, you can do that, it's just about questioning your values and asking what you want from life...

What do you want? And where therefore should you consequently be looking? Is it this forum or elsewhere? 

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5 hours ago, zasa joey said:

I just dont get it, why is leo even teaching us? what makes us smarter, more open-minded, knowledgeable than us? why do we have to wait for his videos? why do we have to watch him? why does he speak about things that we will never hear somewhere else? where does he "come" up with them? what the fuck should i do? should i use my own judgement? should i trust leo? should i live rest of my life watching his videos. should i cut out him completely? I just dont get him he is so counter-intuitive. what should i do? should i block my thoughts, desires, "ego", should I try to eliminate all theese, or should i accept them? should i struggle  and fight against this things or should i let them be and embrace them? should i trust my judgement, should i masturbate and kill and steal and try to make myself look cool to impress people and socialize if i have these urges and desires? or should i say no to all these cause they are "egoic"? like wtf? my mind is gonna blow up now i think? should i destroy my "ego" or accept it as a part of me? jesus this is endless so much questions and lesser answers.

i wrote  you a message earlier, i have another for you now,  this moment that you are reading this is the moment of change that can happen to you, look inside of you, the real you is in there, let it out, it is powerful, all knowing being, believe in it, create a higher vision of yourself, create a dream in your minds eye,  dont look down, dont look back, keep your eye on your dream, create the desire to make it happen, until it is a living experience.  If its personal growth great, if not and its something you want to accomplish in this physical world great, just sets your sights on it and never take no for an answer, never accept defeat.  There are only two requirements to getting what you want,  you have to be able to hold it in your minds eye, and maintain the desire for it, aim high, become the highest, best version of yourself that you can be in this lifetime,  it will take you to personal growth and self realization and it will take you into a better life of peace and joy.  Everyone on this site is here to help you when you want it.  It's time to awaken from the dream. :)

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@zasa joeyto be clear you have to ask yourself the very simple but also the most sophisticated question:

"What do you really want out of life?"

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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@charlie2dogs @MartineF @Richard Alpert @Saarah @7oo13ad First of all thank you all for your replies, whether you tried to argue, "protect" leo or encourage me, or give me advices to get my mental health checked. you see, the thing is i really like leo and his videos I watch them weekly and thats why im on this forum, cause i want to be my highest and best self. but from this point of view, time passes by but nothing changes and it seems so far away and just futile i think. Its not my fault that i dont have will to fight, to live, to go on like this. I respect and admire leo for his work, but that doesnt mean i accept everything he says without doubting him or analyzing it,: I just cant get it: in one video he will say accept yourself for who you are fully, become enlightened, you have no free will, then he will go like be a strategic mother fucker and qualities of successful people. he will make a video titled contemplating your own death than he will say that death doesnt exist. I really want to but i just dont have faith that his content can change my life and get me out of this hole. Yes i want to self-actualize and become enlightened and all and im very excited after watching leos videos, sometimes soothed, sometimes depressed. but after time passes and i observe myself in real life and how i behave and how i constantly think, it seems to me that its all just pointless and i have no chance.

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@zasa joey it's up to you to decide. You can play the game of life, but know that in the end it won't fulfill you. Don't lose yourself in the game, in the role you play. Stay on a spiritual path, to keep in touch with your true self.


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@zasa joey thank you for your feed back.. I can understand that you feel lost because of all this stuff that seems contradictory..

Perhaps it's possible to understand it better if you keep in mind that a lot of things are right at one level but not at the next anymore..


Look at lying..

- If you look at it as a religious, conformist person, it's a sin, you never should lie, or at least it never should be discovered, right?

- if you "grow" a little more, maybe you go through a capitalist state, where everything is allowed what leads you to success, inclusive liyng and it doesn't matter if others remark it or not.. ok?

- if you reach another level, you become more open and less selfish, you know that you can lie to get what you want and you aren't affraid to do this, but it seems senseless because liyng to others is like lying to yourself.. So you just drop it

- maybe if you "grow" further you may discover that it's good sometimes.. and so on

What I try to explain is, you need first to see where you are and at which level the speaker is, so you can differentiate better and understand the paradoxes..

PS: what doesn't mean that you "should" believe everything you hear: the best answers are deep in you, you have do go there, words never really express the truth really good :)

Edited by MartineF

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2 hours ago, zasa joey said:

time passes by but nothing changes and it seems so far away and just futile i think. Its not my fault that i dont have will to fight, to live, to go on like this. I respect and admire leo for his work, but that doesnt mean i accept everything he says without doubting him or analyzing it,: I just cant get it: in one video he will say accept yourself for who you are fully, become enlightened, you have no free will, then he will go like be a strategic mother fucker and qualities of successful people. he will make a video titled contemplating your own death than he will say that death doesnt exist. I really want to but i just dont have faith that his content can change my life and get me out of this hole. 

How much did you meditate????? 

No why question can be really answered, what you are going through is the 1st realization that your mind is capable of asking questions that don't make any sens. Take this state as an opportunity. Be thankful for being in this stage.

 I actually could give answers to your questions that would make sens to you, but you would not get closer to the truth. And they will lead you to new questions. Most of the questions anybody asks is not legitimate for there is no answer containing the truth, the answer might only contain satisfaction of rationalization, something that fit in your understanding of the world.

You are confused between knowing and doing the work, nothing more, nothing less. 

Nobody can do the work for you. Watching leo's video can lead you to more drama if you don't do the work.

What you need to do is not finding answers but stopping the question-answering process, you need to quiet the mind to see through the illusion, taking distance from the voice you hear in your head. Now you only have more noise in your head. Until now you have learned to quiet the mind through finding an answer that you like, now you we have to see that the question is out of place.

Burn my signature on your wall, hang a Post-it on your PC screen, so that you can't miss it every minute of your life. 

Take care

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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4 hours ago, zasa joey said:

@charlie2dogs @MartineF @Richard Alpert @Saarah @7oo13ad First of all thank you all for your replies, whether you tried to argue, "protect" leo or encourage me, or give me advices to get my mental health checked. you see, the thing is i really like leo and his videos I watch them weekly and thats why im on this forum, cause i want to be my highest and best self. but from this point of view, time passes by but nothing changes and it seems so far away and just futile i think. Its not my fault that i dont have will to fight, to live, to go on like this. I respect and admire leo for his work, but that doesnt mean i accept everything he says without doubting him or analyzing it,: I just cant get it: in one video he will say accept yourself for who you are fully, become enlightened, you have no free will, then he will go like be a strategic mother fucker and qualities of successful people. he will make a video titled contemplating your own death than he will say that death doesnt exist. I really want to but i just dont have faith that his content can change my life and get me out of this hole. Yes i want to self-actualize and become enlightened and all and im very excited after watching leos videos, sometimes soothed, sometimes depressed. but after time passes and i observe myself in real life and how i behave and how i constantly think, it seems to me that its all just pointless and i have no chance.

Man,same kind of problem! If you want something,you must decide, but how can you decide when Leo talks one thing today,but other tumorrow and sems like big confusion!  And this point means that, now, you must look in yourself,and trust your gut. What YOU want? We constantly asking others to help us,guide us, no one can help you exept yourself. If you dont know,try stuff. My advice,this is for sure for every people: Meditate,train(most important), healthy diet,and build discipline for your work,or school or whathever... to not distract you. And when you are healthy person,you can think wiser. Ultimate life purpose is that you are alive,your life itself,wonderful thing. But you have also stuff that you love.

Belive me,you know what you want,follow resistance ,when you feel resistance,try that stuff,do things that you afraid to do(this is powerful).. Try that,find balance betwen becoming and being, and try to enjoy every moment.  That Isnt interested when someone said  this is the key and you follow will find a way.

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First of all: with 19 years it is normal to be confused, you will find that a lot of questions you ask are in fact not "logical questions" but questions stemming from emotional disconnect and existential angryness. IT WILL take time..sorry no way around this! I´ve beeng there too when i was a teenager...i guess we ´ve all been there.

Now! Seeing how many questions you asked i can recommend you to start meditating and watch your thoughts, you will notice eventually that 90% of the thoughts you think tight now, are mechanical self-replicating processes that don´t realy come from your "heart intelligence" / from a positive place / a place where you want to be or from a view that enables you to create a good life ... that will be the aim, where you one day will be!

Now to the questions about leo: Ignore him OR follow him blindly? 

a) why even make the contrast so sharp? watch if you do this kind of thinking with other stuff in your life too...if you do... better start to work out a new perspective, because with black/white thinking your path will be very limited!!

b) i would suggest to see him as ONE more source of input, selectively take the bits from him you like and find resonating with you right now! trust me ... just follow the flow and you will come to the best places ....i started meditation because of leo and from the new found and rediscovered places in myself i started to change alot of things in my life, that i haven´t even thought about 4 or 5 month ago... and i feel i just start now, beeing 33 now and haven´t done any inner work the last 7years (very outward, material phase i had) i noticed it will take me some years untill i can reach my authentic self...shit just takes time and work and commitment but it is worth it! 

Peace :)




Edited by Falk

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5 hours ago, zasa joey said:

@charlie2dogs @MartineF @Richard Alpert @Saarah @7oo13ad First of all thank you all for your replies, whether you tried to argue, "protect" leo or encourage me, or give me advices to get my mental health checked. you see, the thing is i really like leo and his videos I watch them weekly and thats why im on this forum, cause i want to be my highest and best self. but from this point of view, time passes by but nothing changes and it seems so far away and just futile i think. Its not my fault that i dont have will to fight, to live, to go on like this. I respect and admire leo for his work, but that doesnt mean i accept everything he says without doubting him or analyzing it,: I just cant get it: in one video he will say accept yourself for who you are fully, become enlightened, you have no free will, then he will go like be a strategic mother fucker and qualities of successful people. he will make a video titled contemplating your own death than he will say that death doesnt exist. I really want to but i just dont have faith that his content can change my life and get me out of this hole. Yes i want to self-actualize and become enlightened and all and im very excited after watching leos videos, sometimes soothed, sometimes depressed. but after time passes and i observe myself in real life and how i behave and how i constantly think, it seems to me that its all just pointless and i have no chance.

- firstly remember that this growth is a life long thing, there's no such thing as one end goal for all this work, enjoying the process is important, you will see results if you work for them 

- secondly, all those contradictory videos are a part of the paradoxes of personal development, can you agree that while we want to grow it's important to at the same time accept ourselves for who we are right now? Both are important. The thing about the death is that for the enlightened person death is no longer a reality, so he'll tell you how death isn't real, but most if not all of us watching him are not enlightened, we have egos, therefore thinking about death is a very real thing

- Finally I think if you're losing hope over time after watching the videos it may be because you're not doing much action, watching the videos isn't enough, you should also look to other material such as through books, and another point is the idea about homeostasis, we are very resistant to change, and we're set in our ways, so over time we gradually fall back into old patterns, it's normal but you have to keep putting in the work to move to a new level and then a new level. And finally, know that sometimes it's difficult to tell that we've changed, you may be a more calm person or a less critical person or a more open person, and you may not have even realised the subtle effects. It's like growing older, you don't realise that you're taller from one day to the next, but then after 10 years you look back and realise! 

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  Take this also, for example,watch this videos,he is enlightened ,very very inteligent man.

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